studied in a sentence

Use ‘studied’ in a sentence | ‘studied’ example sentences

1- The entire watershed is being studied during 2013.

2- The entire upper watershed was studied during 2008.

3- A thirty credit taught module is studied per semester.

4- All organisations studied are electronics assembly plants.

5- How much economic mobility really exists has been studied .

6- Another experiment studied text recall without music.

7- A large number genetic markers studied facilitates finding distinct clusters.

8- Therefore behavior is studied through observable traits.

9- These garden manuals are still studied today.

10- This debris disk has since been extensively studied .

11- Groups are frequently studied through “group representations”.

12- He had never studied anatomy very closely.

13- It had been studied by many earlier mathematicians.

14- The team studied the subjects under three different scenarios.

15- He has studied breast pain for 25 years.

16- I studied more and more various prophetic utterances.

17- Some less invasive procedures have been studied .

18- It has been studied against breast cancer and anal cancer.

19- The man on sticks studied everything closely.

20- The vast majority have never been studied long term.

21- The possible effects of increased protein intake are relatively under studied .

22- She has trained and studied under many master instructors.

23- The three groups studied showed striking differences between them.

24- The accounts were produced promptly and are presently being studied .

25- I studied 1 week with each study guide.

26- Thirty four patients with rheumatoid arthritis were studied .

27- Ways to improve outcomes are still being studied .

28- All patients were studied after overnight fasting.

29- Two additional groups of rats were studied .

30- Few preventive efforts have been studied systematically.

31- I studied consumer decision processes under him.

32- The fish studied had a significant phosphorus uptake.

33- A number of experimental treatments are being studied .

34- Both crew members and mission control personnel were studied .

35- People have studied waves since ancient times.

36- Treatment with stem cells is being studied .

37- There are important differences between these little studied declarations.

38- The sources of ecclesiastical history were studied via historical criticism.

39- The route was studied again was in 2010. The hardest instrument I have ever studied is the accordion .

40- The interplay between bluegrass and folk forms has been academically studied.

41- Beckham studied abnormality in children and adolescents.

42- He studied abroad.

43- We studied English.

44- He studied very hard.

45- I studied last night.

46- I studied for one hour.

47- I studied like anything.

48- I studied it thoroughly.

49- I studied before supper.

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