stuck in a sentence 3

Use ‘stuck’ in a sentence | ‘stuck’ example sentences

100- For years, it has been stuck at the preliminary investigation stage.

101- This SUV got stuck in a large pool of icy water on Chain Lake Drive.

102- I was too tired to even wash off the clots of blood stuck in my hair.

103- Meanwhile, hunting is stuck in a legal limbo that all sides criticize.

104- Toronto Island ferry gets stuck in ice “What if the boat was on fire?”

105- Another problem is more workers are getting stuck in jobs with low pay.

106- 8440A big orange parking ticket was stuck behind one windshield wiper.

107- That left boats loaded with hundreds of starving migrants stuck at sea.

108- 962631You’re stuck there, you look for an exit, but you can’t get out.”

109- 558696Pesa last January after being stuck by a truck on New Year’s Day.

110- While you’re stuck guarding it, the world is going to change around you.

111- Unemployment outside prosperous Germany remains stuck at over 12 percent.

112- For the next tweeted progress report was: “Grains of rice stuck in phone.

113- 915698We’re stuck here with just the shirts on our backs, he complains.”

114- He could not move, (and) he was stuck in this very small confined space.”

115- 215144Ever since then, he’s been stuck in precarious working conditions.

116- Since the baby was born on May 7, the family has been stuck in Hong Kong.

117- Thousands of people are stuck in bottlenecks along borders in the Balkans.

118- That’s why so far, they’ve stuck to a few channels, like Netflix and Hulu.

119- Once a GAZ 66, laden with firewood, got stuck in the mud in the mountains.

120- Just look at people in an airplane, stuck on the window seat looking down.

121- Bush responded: “I was stuck on that ‘some day may be your last day’ line.

122- They mostly stuck to tried and true numbers and the results were masterful.

123- We’re working in a soft rock environment, and trucks get stuck more easily.

124- Credit cards don’t have to automatically mean being stuck in debt for life.

125- There has been off-and-on talks of ceasefires, but nothing so far has stuck.

126- It is as if the decision got stuck in Yaounde, said police officer Atangana.

127- Of those still stuck at the office, just 79 percent expect to be productive.

128- Please share with us a patient’s story that has particularly stuck with you.

129- I ran away from Mosul while both my sister and mother are still stuck there.

130- The NTSB says the SUV some hot got stuck on the tracks and the train hit it.

131- The navigation system was usually stuck on the windscreen with a suction cup.

132- There are circumstances that make us feel stuck and trying to find an escape.

133- 55171“And then when the parents go after them, then they’re stuck out there.

134- Or maybe you’re feeling stuck, and nothing you do seems to make a difference?

135- “It was three big goals and then PL stuck up for (Alex) Boak,” Drazenovic said.

136- A long roll of razor wire with plastic debris stuck in it, dancing to the wind.

137- Look down a little farther and you’ll see a cat stuck on top of a utility pole.

138- We had a plan and we stuck to that plan now we have to wait to see if it works.

139- 123735But for nearly two years, the administration stuck to the original plan.

140- Want more legroom, more direct flights, and less time stuck in holding patterns?

141- EPA/JIM LO SCALZO stuck: Can Republicans Find a Way Out to Avoid a DHS Shutdown?

142- Those who perform poorly are stuck cleaning the latrines and swabbing the decks.

143- Senate Republicans stuck together in voting to let the bill pass its first test.

144- You’re not stuck living paycheck to paycheck unless you choose to be, Paine says.

145- In the case of geckos studied in Namibia, it’s an adage that seems to have stuck.

146- Whereas in a big corporation, you do whatever you do and you can still be stuck.”

147- After the rain let up I barely made it out after almost getting stuck in the mud.

148- 294319He was stuck in a Karachi traffic jam when he heard Mr Corbyn had used it.

149- Mate, you gotta hear what Jocko’s sayin’ about his wallaby stuck in a thunder box.

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