Use ‘strides’ in a sentence | ‘strides’ example sentences
51- Their long strides and flowing motion require good muscular development.
52- Hu and Bush state that Robostrider moves “in a style less elegant than its natural counterpart” but point out that it can cover 20 cm, in five strides, with one winding.
53- However, a faster high jumper might need about 13 strides.
54- Number of beats and strides The walk stride has to consist of four beats.
55- Europe soon followed this fascination with aviation to make its own strides into the new, aerially-dominated market.
56- One would hardly call him an attacking player, yet he strides confidently into some extraordinarily complex variations.
57- Those who go to Confession frequently, and do so with the desire to make progress, will notice the strides that they make in their spiritual lives.
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