strides in a sentence

Use ‘strides’ in a sentence | ‘strides’ example sentences

1- He is making real strides towards recovery.

2- More great strides were made in 2004.

3- Great strides had been made in under ten years.

4- Medical science has made great strides in tackling infertility.

5- My research group makes strides in both areas.

6- She makes impressive strides towards achieving this goal.

7- In the eleventh century this notion made great strides .

8- But the newer songs really make strides unleashed.

9- We are making great strides to remove that perceived stigma.

10- And there have been great technological strides .

11- They are capable of great speed and large slow strides .

12- There have been some strides forward however.

13- Group work scholars made great strides in developing practice theories.

14- Rapid strides were made in astronomy during this period.

15- Byrd had also taken serious strides with instrumental music.

16- Paraguay also made large strides in education.

17- He has natural power and his offensive striking is making strides .

18- Reyes is making strides in his development.

19- They are all thriving and making strides beautifully.

20- The NRC has made great strides in electronic document management.

21- Comments Chevy is making big strides in trucks.

22- His long strides I have never forgot.

23- Imaging has made significant strides , finding smaller cancers,.

24- Only last season , Smith made strides defensively.

25- Meanwhile, significant strides have been made in upstream process development.

26- Taking long strides , we continued to gain speed.

27- Nevertheless, art marches on with giant strides .

28- I lost him with my long strides .

29- Microsoft has been making great strides on the IPA front.

30- We have also made great strides in information communications technology development.

31- Many firms have made significant strides in reducing their inventories.

32- The state has also taken strides in land conservation and restoration.

33- The entering class made great strides in the summer of 2012.

34- Oakland has made great strides in the last two years.

35- Science and technology made terrific strides in the eighties.

36- Bangladesh has also made major strides in its human development index.

37- Long distance runners tend to have more relaxed strides that vary.

38- She strides around to stand next to him.

39- When he strides properly, he throws bullets.

40- I think he has made significant, positive strides . “I think we need to make some strides in the pass protection,” he said.

41- We were able to make impressive strides in tackling our illegal immigration problem.

42- This is equivalent to retreating back over the modern, secular strides we have taken.

43- The United Nations has also made great strides in their Millennium Development Goals.

44- If you’ve been paying attention lately, Firefox has made massive strides in progress.

45- According to the FAO, significant strides toward forest protection have already been made.

46- “Week by week, I felt that guys were making tremendous strides on the defensive level,” Cook said.

47- Sullivan-Wilson gets choked up thinking about that because of the strides her daughter has made there.

48- The rapid strides made on the all-weather front really makes such betting fodder superfluous.

49- A perennial lower division amateur side, 1. FC has recently made strides that have seen it playing in the Regionalliga Süd (III) as recently as the 2005-06 season.

50- ” To restore this damaged image in the late 1980s, the media extolled the PLA’s martial virtues and the great strides made in military modernization in recent years.

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