strap in a sentence 2

Use ‘strap’ in a sentence | ‘strap’ example sentences

49- You should tighten the strap on your bicycle helmet or it will fall off if you are in an accident.

50- The nation of Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa, so when the leader began criticizing South African apartheid in 1983, South Africa was able to close Lesotho’s borders, strangling the country.

51- strapGirls’ dresses and tops must have a 2¨ minimum strap on each shoulder.

52- I did my best Iron Man impression and wore it on my messenger bag strap.

53- Gomukhasana — Cow Face Pose Hold the strap with right arm behind your back.

54- Glazkov will now face the American fighter Charles Martin for the vacant strap.

55- It shares many of the Up3’s design elements, including a fully adjustable strap.

56- The Outback Solo is $119 for the iPad Pro with a $19 option for a shoulder strap.

57- The skeletal remains were wrapped in a woven white blanket and tied with a strap.

58- The Delta airline logo is seen on a strap at JFK Airport in New York, July 30, 2008.

59- It’s time to take our seats, strap in and prep for something special: a pitch landing.

60- If you are a boy, they will brainwash you, strap bombs to your body and blow you up, he said.

61- Cynthia A Casale 5pts strap fencing across as I’ve seen in other states when I did OTR driving.

62- They also recovered a leather strap with a chrome ball attached to the end from Norris’ clothing.

63- Now that’s funny (17) ‘SNL’ imagines Hillary Clinton’s campaign Strap mom up to that lie detector!

64- The Urbane also tries to add some style through its stainless steel body and stitched leather strap.

65- There is no central chest strap so this is not designed for hiking and carrying extremely heavy loads.

66- Lorena must strap Irina into the Tranquility Chair and remain there in radio silence until further notice.

67- This species produces two erect, strap-shaped leaves annually, 350-400 x 40-45 mm, smooth and soft-textured.

68- Blue edging around the shoulder strap on this uniform indicate that its wearer is serving in a logistics unit.

69- A holdback, consisting of an iron catch on the shaft with a looped strap, enables a horse to back or hold back the vehicle.

70- ” These early Eagle Ohios were made in gold colored metal to match the buttons and chin strap of the uniform jacket and hat.

71- These vessels often are globular with vertical strap-handles and having simple linear geometric decorations of black or black-on-red over a white or buff slip.

72- The girl has a bandana tumpline across the top of her head with each end tied to each side of a cloth sack; the man has a narrow woven-strap tumpline across top of head.

73- The use of an antistatic strap is mandatory for researchers manipulating nanodevices.

74- The heel strap started at the toe, looped around the heel, and forward again to the toe.

75- A quiver full of arrows is slung across her back by a strap on her proper right shoulder.

76- Black Clarino shoes and Sam Browne belt, without cross strap, gun belt are worn with the uniform.

77- Caesar pleads for mercy, but Constance drags the cowering Caesar on the floor, beating him with the strap while doing so.

78- This door and the north door inside the church are the most interesting in the district because of the strap ironwork on both.

79- H ; Hand guard : A glove or wrist strap worn by gymnasts to protect the skin on their hands when they perform upon apparatuses.

80- The ceremonial form of the uniform includes a white cross-strap, and white and blue sash, white epaulets, and white decorated cuffs.

81- The logo was changed slightly in 2000 when the word “Channel” was moved into the strap, and the globe was altered to focus on the Pacific Ocean.

82- A sling bag A sling bag is a type of handbag that is worn over one shoulder with a strap that winds around the chest resting the bag on the lower back.

83- A slim young man ( Pierre Batcheff ) bicycles down a calm urban street wearing what appears to be a nun ‘s habit and a striped box with a strap around his neck.

84- A handle made from a thicker piece of sheet bronze folded over is riveted across the open bowl of the boss, also attached are a pair of metal tabs for a carrying strap.

85- Available in black, navy, light blue, black with pink, and other assorted colors, the sandal has the trademarked three stripes on a velcro strap toward the front of the shoe.

86- The four piece line-up embarked on tours supporting Scottish indie bands Mogwai and Arab Strap in Autumn 2006, and completed their first headline tour of Europe in April 2007.

87- She freezes the strap and breaks it, then frees Nathan.

88- “Sling Shot This simple strap can be a hunter’s best friend or worst enemy”.

89- Dildos Dildo types The most noticeable feature of any strap-on setup is the dildo used.

90- Ali and Quez are step brothers; the two met Strap while attending the same middle school.

91- The lip strap attaches to rings at midpoint of the lever arms and buckles on the near side.

92- Technique The urumi is slung with a cloth strap across the shoulder and played by the drummer horizontally.

93- The mesangylon ( Greek : μεσάγκυλον ) was a javelin with a strap ( Greek : αγκύλη ) for throwing it by.

94- The “Sam Browne belt” worn today by American police usually lack the cross-strap and the attachments for them.

95- The wire bails are inserted through holes in the ends of the frame’s strap lugs and are retained by their own clip tension design.

96- The cinches have a connecting strap, called a cinch hobble, to keep the rear girth from slipping back, which would cause the horse to buck.

97- Chape Chapes or “caps” of various designs could be fitted to the bar to enable one strap end to be secured before fastening the other, adjustable end.

98- A slingback is distinguishable from an ankle-strap shoe in that the latter has a strap that crosses around the front of the ankle as well as the back.

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