strap in a sentence

Use ‘strap’ in a sentence | ‘strap’ example sentences

1- The last attachment type is strap bindings.

2- The rubber grips cover the front strap here.

3- Make sure seat belts and shoulder straps are secure.

4- The straps terminate with large retaining clips.

5- Black leather chin strap faced with brass links.

6- Other officers wore plain plastic or leather chin straps .

7- ROTC chin straps and uniform buttons were gold colored.

8- The leaves are linear to strap shaped.

9- They may once have been strapped together.

10- The slotted hood was strapped down with leather belts.

11- Double shoulder straps , silver tone logo tag.

12- The broken ground strap would explain that.

13- The shoulder straps them self are extremely comfortable with thick padding.

14- The adjustable straps should help damp that out.

15- There is an additional gag and straps .

16- Make the strap five stitches wide and six inches long.

17- Shoes with closed toes and heel straps are encouraged.

18- There is a wrist strap on both gloves.

19- Never used old straps on your stand.

20- The strap is wound on the finger.

21- These straps extend the maximal in security.

22- He said all were strapped with explosives.

23- Features an adjustable strap and stainless steel hardware.

24- The can is excellent with great straps .

25- The straps are removable which is a real asset.

26- Cavalry regiments wear shoulder chains in place of shoulder straps .

27- Boots are secured by leather straps attached to hose.

28- The inside of the cellar door has strap hinges.

29- Everyone who was committed to environmental causes was financially strapped .

30- The grades of students are distinguished by shoulder straps .

31- A silver chin strap is worn on the hat.

32- The duty belt is worn with the shoulder strap .

33- The pipeline was anchored by concrete blocks attached by fibre straps .

34- A handling strap can help the lifting.

35- This strap is generally made of leather or nylon.

36- Officer rank insignia are worn on shoulder straps or shoulder boards.

37- One source of controversy is the flank strap .

38- They wear straps across their chests and square caps.

39- Perhaps also with decorative straps jackets women down.

40- A wash cloth under the waist strap helps at night . Please hang onto the strap.

41- I was compelled to hold a strap.

42- The strap of my watch has velcro fasteners.

43- The strap of her dress had slipped off her shoulder.

44- His bicycle helmet is too tight and the neck strap is pinching him.

45- strategyLet’s strap the bicycles onto the roof of the van, and take them with us.

46- I dropped my laptop on the floor when the strap on the carrying case broke.

47- Someone cut the strap of her purse on a crowded bus, and stole her bag with everything in it.

48- When I was young, kids were sometimes given the strap for things like arguing with a teacher.

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