starchier in a sentence

Use ‘starchier’ in a sentence | ‘starchier’ example sentences

1- Culinarily, yams are starchier and drier than sweet potatoes.

2- By contrast, “Musa” cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit are called “plantains”.

3- Black beans are starchier and they are also black so they blend in well to the brownie batter.

4- The greener, less ripe bananas contain higher levels of starch and, consequently, have a ” starchier ” taste.

5- Also, the richer, fattier and starchier diet of the white season began to wane, with more greens being consumed to cleanse.

6- Tomatoes ripened in this way tend to keep longer, but have poorer flavor and a mealier, starchier texture than tomatoes ripened on the plant.

7- That is so if one is eating a starchier carbohydrate, then they are also getting protein, which will slow the digestion rate.

8- Pre Race : The key to making any distance work is to maximize your glycogen (the stored form of glucose in your muscles) before the race by including healthy whole grains, fruits and starchier vegetables regularly throughout the day for a few days before your race.

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