sputnik in a sentence

Use ‘sputnik’ in a sentence | ‘sputnik’ example sentences

1- A second sputnik was launched a month later.

2- A lot has happened since the sputnik entered orbit in 1957.

3- It was much bigger and heavier than sputnik 1 .

4- Even sputnik was six years in the future.

5- USSR launches sputnik , first artificial earth satellite.

6- All occurred before the launching of sputnik .

7- First you must get the sputnik skull.

8- sputnik also contributed directly to advancement in science and technology.

9- Object D would later fly as ” sputnik 3″.

10- You shouldn’t make files for blind and sputnik .

11- sputnik also inspired a generation of engineers and scientists.

12- First get the sputnik skull and play on outskirts.

13- First you MUST get the sputnik skull.

14- The satellite sputnik 2 disintegrates in space after several orbits.

15- Shame? 12 years after 1945 they launched sputnik to space!

16- He also contributed to their final album, ” sputnik “.

17- Explorer One went into a higher orbit than either sputnik .

18- The launch of sputnik inaugurated the Space Race.

19- sputnik 1 was launched by an R-7 rocket.

20- How is it possible these ideas predate sputnik ?

21- Its Modernist design drew comparison locally with sputnik .

22- sputnik was a tiny but audacious defiance of the universe.

23- sputnik I Which country gained its independence from Denmark in 1944?

24- It was launched in January 1958, two months after sputnik .

25- They received the news about sputnik as they relaxed that afternoon.

26- It was the public and the press that panicked over sputnik .

27- Initially U.S. President Eisenhower was not surprised by ” sputnik “.

28- With typical mining humour, it was christened sputnik by the men.

29- The actual development of sputnik was performed in less than a month.

30- The Russians confirmed the report and said the satellite was named sputnik .

31- His requests were denied, until the Soviet Union launched sputnik 1.

32- The second sputnik was put together just as quickly and without overall plans.

33- So much for Senator Nelson’s ‘ sputnik moment.

34- sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.

35- The space race was on, and the USSR had launched sputnik .

36- This string of successes ran out with the launch of sputnik 3.

37- Review from sputnik P. My wife like the Japanese .

38- On 4 October 1957 Soviet Union launched the first space satellite sputnik .

39- Less than eight years after sputnik , a revenue- producing satellite.

40- This was in the late 1940s, sputnik had not arrived yet. Launched in sputnik II, Laika the dog became the first animal in space on November 3, 1957.

41- The flow front of the ice moving into sputnik Planum is indicated by the blue arrows.

42- Ice appears to be evaporating from one area of an icy plain known as “sputnik Planum.”

43- 532840One of those arrested claims to have an alibi, according to Russia’s sputnik News.

44- It was essentially like the Russian satellite sputnik, but cheaper and able to take photos.

45- Japanese singer Akino Arai wrote a song about Istochnikov and Kloka, titled “sputnik” on her Furu Platinum album.

46- Russia, initiating the space age, launched sputnik, revealing the inadequacy of science and math programs in schools in the United States.

47- Tho its roots lie in erly roket tecnolojy and in th intrnationl tensions foloing World War II, th Space Race efectivly began with th soviet launch of sputnik 1 on 4 october 1957.

48- This book was originally published a year after the launch of the first artificial satellite ( sputnik ).

49- The b-side is a cover of Sigue Sigue sputnik ‘s ” Love Missile F1-11 ” Music video The music video features lenticular images throughout.

50- PBS.org – NOVA:sputnik Declassified Together with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), ABMA built Explorer 1 in 84 days and launched it on January 31, 1958.

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