spurring in a sentence

Use ‘spurring’ in a sentence | ‘spurring’ example sentences

1- That decision is spurring thousands of removal requests.

2- Some past tragedy spurring the protagonist onward.

3- Being able to provide basic needs would mean spurring economic growth.

4- Internal competition was one proven strategy for spurring adoption.

5- These are often gained by spurring the animal.

6- Most importantly, I love spurring others to action.

7- But knowing people are sponsoring me is really spurring me on.

8- The resulting inventions further raise economic output, spurring yet more inventive activity.

9- The movie is credited by the company for spurring bus travel nationwide.

10- The German brigade officers were already spurring down the road towards Sharpe.

11- He saw two German troopers spurring at the second Frenchman.

12- What’s spurring the action is the 2013 Consent Decree.

13- spurring more parent-child communication about money is not easy .

14- Steady job creation and near record-low mortgage rates are spurring sales .

15- That’s what’s spurring me on”.

16- In 1998, Global Witness stated that diamonds were spurring those conflicts.

17- Morganelli credited the article for spurring his investigation .

18- Touch screens are spurring wild new designs in a category called convertibles .

19- They can also help by spurring new ideas and providing specific knowledge.

20- But Sandberg says her focus remains on spurring action and progress among women .

21- This is spurring early sowing and is expected result in good kharif harvest .

22- It’s been fun to have a few blogs 2 spurring me along.

23- In Dallas, pockets of strength are spurring plans for new office construction.

24- Demand was high, spurring a developed ceramics industry in the Guadalajara area.

25- So Facebook ‘s feed is spurring an arms race to share our happiness.

26- spurring indicates a level of arthritis in the joint near the ganglion.

27- We all recognize the importance of scientific and technological advancements in spurring growth.

28- These are the seedbed occupations spurring new frontiers in innovation and economic growth.

29- Addressing roadblocks will be crucial to spurring innovation and economic development moving forward .

30- IP rights are a market-based mechanism for disseminating knowledge and spurring competition.

31- The increasing popularity of MMOGs is spurring development of MMO middleware packages.

32- It amounted to free publicity, spurring donations in excess of $30 million.

33- The tax is credited with spurring a significant move from hydrocarbon fuels to biomass.

34- He credits director Stone’s movie JFK for spurring interest in the assassination.

35- Parts of the landscape were exploited , spurring conservationists to appeal for protections.

36- spurring a horse nearly to death, the horse may opt to buck off.

37- Congress frequently enacts temporary depreciation allowances in hopes of spurring economic growth via capital investment.

38- Detta abducted Stiletto, spurring Sly’s search.

39- Unemployment spiraled , spurring wildlife poaching.

40- It is already spurring more illegal immigration, setting the stage for the next amnesty. Severe energy shortages in Albania are forcing small firms out of business, increasing unemployment, scaring off foreign investors, and spurring inflation.

41- 544879Others agreed the current environment is spurring larger deals.

42- Activists around the world say it’s already spurring action – among the faithful, and beyond.

43- Sign for Tilcajete on Highway 175 Promotion and protection of the product is a significant concern, spurring the creation of fairs, markets and legal protections.

44- ” exclaimed one of our company, and, spurring our jaded horses, we soon gathered around this wonderful phenomenon.

45- Chiral sulfides, on the other hand, are more costly to prepare, spurring the advancement of catalytic enantioselective methods.

46- Rapid privatization of previously state-controlled industries and liberalization of the economy is spurring unprecedented growth in Amman and Aqaba.

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