spurned in a sentence 2

Use ‘spurned’ in a sentence | ‘spurned’ example sentences

50- The prince, furious at being spurned, vows to use the slipper to find the maiden he proposed to.

51- The spurned and enraged Biloxi chieftain led his Biloxi braves to war against Altama and the neighboring Pascagoula.

52- She spurned his advances and, like many women of her time, she ran away to keep from being forced into the relationship.

53- Thus spurned, Ongora hires an assassin to kill Cervantes, but this attempt is foiled by the Old Knight, who knocks the assassin out with Pedro’s pot.

54- The company’s owners, William and James Trotter, made several moves to take over or acquire Burger King during the 1970s, all of which were spurned by Pillsbury.

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