spurns in a sentence

Use ‘spurns’ in a sentence | ‘spurns’ example sentences

1- Everyone in his vision offered repentance spurns their chance.

2- She spurns me, the unworthy woman”.

3- At least four spurns were in existence before the present one.

4- Indignant spurns the cottage from the green.

5- He spurns systems, gimmicks or fashion techniques peddled by consultants.

6- He eventually spurns her, vowing to not leave his wife.

7- Harlequin wants to kiss his fianc├®e; she spurns him.

8- When Mrs. Potiphar makes advances, Joseph spurns her.

9- She initially spurns him but later marries him when her family is ruined.

10- She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood.

11- He spurns Beast by stating that genetics do not number among his talents.

12- Second, stigmatized knowledgeÔÇôwhat the Establishment spurns ÔÇômust be true.

13- Devoted to the memory of his beloved, Hippolito spurns her.

14- My jealous heart spurns all compromise; it must have its purpose or break.

15- Black Adam spurns her sympathy and tells Montoya to go back to Gotham.

16- Roy, of course, spurns Iris and suffers the consequences in the end.

17- After the daydream he spurns Yvetta and Pam looks on at him concerned.

18- Conscience spurns hypocrisy as a substitute for that truth for which it instinctively yearns.

19- Karla wraps her arm around Gargan’s arm and spurns Daken in the process.

20- She shows her love by taking care of him but spurns his attempts at physical intimacy.

21- Romance blooms between Hudson and Lily, but she spurns him and leaves Eaton Place.

22- If he spurns Syracuse, Moustapha Diagne is another center on Boeheim’s radar.

23- Demos is won over by these arguments and he spurns Cleon’s wheedling appeals for sympathy.

24- Don spurns the idea and leaves, but the remaining partners reluctantly agree to offer Joan $50,000.

25- The sisters fall in love with Jiang Feng, but he spurns them because of their arrogance.

26- Instead, she spurns him, causing him to react violently toward her in a very public scene.

27- After their visit, Davis decides to enroll at Syracuse and spurns the recruiting efforts of other colleges.

28- Mute Heirens Faces Trial – Killer spurns Mother’s Fervent Plea to Talk.

29- He spurns her advances.

30- THE WHITE House’s long-awaited national energy strategy spurns energy conservation and instead urges the country to drill for more oil.

31- Initially, he spurns his daughter for consorting with the enemy but she swears that she will never marry Maometto.

32- Golding spurns the idea of moving his shop and workshop and transporting his workforce of 25 to an upmarket London location.

33- She misinterprets the gesture, however, as simply a way to cheer her up, and unwittingly spurns his affections.

34- When Shirley confesses she still loves Phil, he spurns her advances and instead proposes marriage to Sharon after she regains consciousness.

35- When Alicia spurns his advances, Malcolm is convinced that she is leading him on and vows to make her pay dearly.

36- She tells him she’s “highly attracted” to him, but he spurns her advances, wanting only to sleep.

37- Overcome with grief, Quincey spurns what his mother has become, and, despite her pleas, chases off after Dracula.

38- Jeremy attempts to have one last liaison with Mirabelle before leaving, but she spurns him due to her relationship with Ray.

39- During a private moment, Satoko and Kiyoaki embrace, but suddenly Satoko turns away and spurns him, calling him childish. The more she spurns my love, the more it grows.

40- As Young Philpot tries to propose, she convinces him she is half-witted, and he spurns her.

41- When he spurns her for the younger Ethyl Norcrosse (Leila Hyams), she impulsively asks Elmer to marry her, only to regret it almost immediately.

42- Jordan and Heer finally meet and after a while of intimacy, Jordan tries to profess his love for her, but Heer, being married, spurns his advances.

43- Tun Mamat repeatedly spurns the flower fairy and, upon beating her test, meets an elderly hag or Nenek Kebayan who agrees to help lead him to the peak of Mount Ledang.

44- As I-30 enters Little Rock, Interstate 430 spurns off its parent route to create a western bypass of Little Rock.

45- Thanos, expecting Death to embrace him for his actions, becomes enraged when she once again spurns him.

46- Aboard, he meets Butt, who spurns Morley’s offer to tell him how to get off the ship safely once the iceberg strikes.

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