Use ‘spreading’ in a sentence | ‘spreading’ example sentences
151- In 1849 he was expelled from France, because he was spreading Socialist ideas.
152- He was a major force in spreading the Gospel across the U.S. in the late 19th century.
153- Mabir, a variant of Cabir, is capable of spreading not only via Bluetooth but also via MMS.
154- He was nicknamed Poison, for his habit of spreading malicious gossip and rumours around the station.
155- This is viewed as avoidable by “spreading” the wisdom of Kabbalah to as wide an audience as possible.
156- When Leela first exits the spaceship, a parody of the NBC peacock logo is seen spreading its feathers.
157- The inflorescence is a panicle of flowers up to 10 centimeters long with upright or spreading branches.
158- For fear of spreading disease it was made unlawful for rag and bone men to give ‘articles’ to children.
159- The inflorescence is an umbel of purplish flowers, the clusters on spreading rays up to 13 centimeters long.
160- The Red Ash has a spreading shade-producing habit when a larger tree with an overall greyish green appearance.
161- The book is worth the read if for no other reason than to understand a belief system that is rapidly spreading.
More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 –
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