Use ‘spreading’ in a sentence | ‘spreading’ example sentences
101- Economic Regional financial stock-market indices fell on 20 February on concern of spreading instability.
102- Melanomas which spread usually do so to the lymph nodes in the region of the tumor before spreading elsewhere.
103- Thursday Early Thursday morning, a final desperate attempt to keep the flames from spreading was made at Gammeltorv.
104- Panfletonegro and Letralia are two of the longest running Venezuelan websites for spreading of national literature.
105- She appeared in Power Outage after she was weakening due to Dr. Todd’s Bang Baby cure which was spreading through the air.
106- Adams, pp. 21, 25 The fire followed the river into Pipetown, an area of workers housing and factories, again spreading destruction.
107- The “caterpillar” track arose from attempts to improve the mobility of wheeled vehicles by spreading their weight and increasing their adhesive friction.
108- Risk retention pools are technically retaining the risk for the group, but spreading it over the whole group involves transfer among individual members of the group.
109- The Greek side, with the assistance of the Patriarchate that was responsible for the schools, could more easily maintain control, because they were spreading Greek identity.
110- Van de Wetering 1985, 66, n.55 Inoculation visibly and directly aided man’s control of the disease, the level of infection, mortality rates and the spreading of the epidemic.
111- The following decades saw a steady expansion under Graham’s descendents, with the paper’s influence spreading out from its native Wolverhampton to cover the entire Black Country.
112- spreading misandry: the teaching of contempt for men in popular culture.
113- A lake of about 75 km in length and 4.5 km width, spreading over 267.97 km².
114- Jealous, Yuka begins spreading fake nude photographs of Karin around the school.
115- They grow along long, vine-like branches spreading out form the centre of the plant.
116- MarsDrive envisions “a spacefaring civilization spreading life outward into the cosmos.
117- The dream of spreading democracy, liberalism and independence would have been shattered.
118- The Erebus hotspot has been interpreted to be the cause of spreading at the Terror Rift.
119- The males perform a courtship display where they bow while raising and spreading the tail.
120- Palas are credited with spreading Buddhism to Tibet and around the world through missionaries.
121- Vorilhon focused on spreading his message in Japan in the 1980s, and by 1987, he met Lisa Sunagawa.
122- Their spreading colonizing habit can be used for some slope stabilization and erosion control measures.
123- This is a generally erect but sometimes spreading or prostrate plant with stems up to half a meter in length.
124- The crew’s efforts concentrated their effort preventing the fire from spreading to the acres ( m 2 ) of roof.
125- Pir Syed Mitthan shah was a great religious and spiritual personalty, and he helped a lot in spreading the Islam.
126- The second begins with lightning glissandi, introducing a dancing theme, later contrasted by more spreading motions.
127- John Nichols describes an interesting tale of a wych-elm called “The spreading Tree” or “Captain Shenton’s tree” (pg. 476).
128- Forbes and Wolcott share a friendly, multidisciplinary dorm rivalry, spreading through events including dodgeball and softball.
129- Emphasis was put on knowledge, which required a systematic way of teaching and spreading knowledge, and purpose-built structures.
130- Graph-based methods reminiscent of spreading activation research of the early days of AI research have been applied with some success.
131- Spores develop on the leaves, spreading through the crop when temperatures are above °C ( ) and humidity is over 75%-80% for 2 days or more.
132- Tamaulipas, Potosi, and one or two other Mexican States; and I want them all for the same reason – for the planting or spreading of slavery.
133- The game became vastly popular with African-American slaves who spread it throughout the country, its popularity even spreading across color lines.
134- To advance her passion for spreading the gospel through song, she enlisted the talents of her two younger sisters and formed the trio, The Jones Sisters.
135- By unbundling and trading credit risk without having to transfer the underlying asset, this market has introduced an entirely new and vital way of spreading risk.
136- Neon color spreading example Neon color spreading is an optical illusion in which a bright color appears to spread out over a white area from bright visual contours.
137- Maede, 2004 Outsiders Outsiders are adolescents who like to stay away from the conflict situations, participate in spreading rumors, or actively support either side.
138- Figure 2. Demonstration of the Light spreading Enabled by Uniformity Tape Research conducted by 3M indicates that the tape enables a 50 percent reduction in LED count.
139- Freeze follows, and in the ensuing confrontation, Belson accidentally shoots one of the fuel tanks and starts a rapidly-spreading fire as Freeze traps Batman and Robin.
140- Muzumdar played an important role in founding the institution Granthali (ग्रंथाली) aimed at publishing books and spreading knowledge in Maharashtra via different means.
141- Academy and university at the beginning, it felt obliged additionally to welcome all those who, through their work, had participated in the spreading of Yiddish culture.
142- In 1793 Bertuch himself defined this art business in a magazine as being “an infallible means of encouraging German industry and spreading food and prosperity among us”.
143- There are 107 named runs spreading out over three mountains (Goat Eye’s Mountain, Lookout Mountain and Mount Standish) and the two provinces, ( Alberta and British Columbia ).
144- An impressive variety of fern species are present in cave entrances including the spreading Wood Fern ( Dryopteris expansa ) and the Western Swordfern ( Polystichum munitum ).
145- He has also used clones as scouts, sending them into battle to learn how an opponent attacks or spreading them across a wide area to find something in only a fraction of the time.
146- This phenomenon is called metastasis or spreading of disease.
147- spreading gidgee grows as an upright tree to seven metres high.
148- Rumours were soon spreading that St. Cyr was a “bad bed fellow”.
149- Jukeboxes proliferated nationwide, spreading the gospel of “swing”.
150- The World Wide Web is a criminals’ preferred pathway for spreading malware.
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