sport in a sentence 4

Use ‘sport’ in a sentence | ‘sport’ example sentences

151- 846040This isn’t a spectator sport, it’s a shooting sport, you shoot.

152- The shower has become a tradition to celebrate victories in any sport.

153- 229544Football is a contact sport and there’s a lot that goes into it.

154- I was driving my recently purchased ’87 Chevy Monte Carlo, Luxury sport.

155- And some hope these young skaters will propel the sport to the Olympics.

156- The festival awards designs in 31 differing categories, including sport.

157- Eighty years later, sport remains an arena where anyone can participate.

158- She’s the greatest female player I’ve ever seen, McEnroe told BBC sport.

159- It should be appreciated for being the hardest sport out of all of them.”

160- Get automated updates 21 May 2015 sport Which player only has seven toes?

161- 192395Does it stem from the IOC’s desire to shape Olympic sport as pure?

162- In his sport, experience and a knowledge of the ocean are key attributes.

163- 229545… Football is a contact sport and there’s a lot that goes into it.

164- “I am leaving the sport with all my faculties, I’m still sharp and smart.

165- The IAAF is not complacent about doping in its sport, the federation said.

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