sport in a sentence 3

Use ‘sport’ in a sentence | ‘sport’ example sentences

101- The animal rights groups equate sport hunting with simple murder and feel it must be stopped.

102- In 1976, he won the gold medal in the Olympics, thereby achieving his greatest goal in sport.

103- Discussion question: Talk about a sport, martial art, or musical art you practiced as a child.

104- Robert Kahn described the sport of boxing as smoky halls and kidneys battered until they bleed.

105- Find someone who would like to try a thrilling sport, such as sky-diving or bungy-jumping.

106- thriveThere is an indoor rock-climbing wall which is a good way to introduce young people to the sport.

107- Bungee-jumping is an excitingly dangerous and popular new sport for those seeking a quick thrill.

108- Wayne Gretzky was an extraordinary hockey player, probably the best who has ever played the sport.

109- Beckman’s performance this season has truly elevated him to the status of a superstar in his sport.

110- By visiting websites devoted to your favorite sport, you can chat with other fans around the world.

111- Taekwondo was a demonstration sport in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, reflecting its worldwide popularity.

112- The world’s fastest racquet sport is badminton, where shuttlecock speeds approach 200 miles per hour.

113- Henry Kissinger once suggested that no team sport evokes the same sort of universal passion as soccer.

114- In Wales, the sport of rugby is fiercely competitive, especially in matches against the English teaMs. Come on, be reasonable, you can’t expect to be on the top team the first year that you play the sport.

115- Although there are some Spaniards who object to it, bullfighting is still a very popular sport in Spain.

116- Chasing animals is a sport in Papua New Guinea, and boys are trained for the hunt as soon as they can walk.

117- The cost of hockey gear is quite prohibitive, so many parents can’t afford to let their kids play the sport.

118- sport statisticians have stated that more records were broken in these Olympics than in any other in history.

119- Rules against the use of drugs in sport must be strictly enforced if we really want to deal with the problem.

120- The new recreation complex is huge, and superbly well-equipped for practically every kind of sport imaginable.

121- Bull-fighting is the national sport of Mexico and the Plaza Mexico is one of the prime venues for the spectacle.

122- In Wales, the sport of rugby is fiercely competitive, especially when the Welsh team plays against the English team.

123- Whatever your favorite sport, it is likely to have at least one fan who has prepared a website dedicated to the game.

124- Baseball player Willie Mays once stated that in order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport.

125- Whatever your favorite sport, there is probably at least one devoted fan who has prepared a website dedicated to the game.

126- Figure skater Elvis Stojko has always been known for his ability to perform some of the most difficult maneuvers in the sport.

127- The recreation center has an indoor rock-climbing wall, which offers a good opportunity to introduce young people to the sport.

128- A leisure activity in Malta which many outsiders find difficult to comprehend is the yearly slaughter of birds by sport hunters.

129- An important issue under discussion in the world of sport today is the participation of professional athletes in the Olympic Games.

130- With this fourth consecutive victory in international hockey, the Canadian team has certainly established its supremacy in the sport.

131- It’s hard not to envy people who seem to have so much natural ability that they are able to pick up a new sport almost without effort.

132- You have to have a certain passion for a sport, as well as talent and the determination to succeed in order to become an elite athlete.

133- Skiing has been a popular sport in Norway for a very long time, in fact, the military even held ski competitions there as early as 1767.

134- With the shining white ice and the black puck, and players flying around on skates, ice hockey is really quite an esthetically pleasing sport.

135- Boxer Muhammad Ali once stated of his sport, “It’s just a job.

136- Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand.

137- I beat people up.

138- “Hockey has a huge following in Canada, with thousands of kids playing the sport every winter, and thousands more watching it regularly on television.

139- Nordic combined is one of the winter sport events, a competition where you compete on the combination of two Nordic style ski events cross country skiing and ski jumping.

140- Discussion question: It has been suggested that everyone is an expert at something, whether it be a sport, an academic subject, or something as simple as chatting with friends.

141- What are you an expert at?sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are expected to loom especially large.

142- There’s a lot of time between now and then, Lancaster told BBC sport.

143- “The people of Newfoundland just get behind the sport and support it.

144- UKAD says he is suspended from all sport until midnight July 10 2017.

145- It sounds absolutely silly, but it’s a serious sport, Verstegen says.

146- 123742But for now, Bergeron says it’s all about a love of the sport.

147- Enter suburb or postcode: « See all local sport Both teams have five..

148- Incredible sport performance is due to thousands of hours of practice.

149- “This statement was deliberately published to harm Palestinian sport.”

150- Born without lower legs, she is one of the biggest names in the sport.

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