spiral in a sentence 2

Use ‘spiral’ in a sentence | ‘spiral’ example sentences

51- The spiral arms of galaxies are regions of higher gas density, richly populated by bright, young stars.

52- The great clouds of gas that form a spiral pattern in our universe are constantly giving birth to new stars.

53- Critics suggest that a radical reform of our health care system is needed before costs spiral out of control.

54- Joanna Field once suggested that the growth of understanding follows an ascending spiral rather than a straight line.

55- spiritMartin Luther King once suggested that the ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.

56- That earned him most of the credit for the drug firm’s downward spiral.

57- Evans and Fletcher found that the spiral structure was not in use for long.

58- A canal that cut through the spiral design was built later in the 12th century.

59- Boxing has been in a downward spiral for years and there are a number of factors.

60- In an outer spiral arm at 40,000 miles an hour of the galaxy we call the Milky Way.”

61- But this is just the beginning of the untenable spiral as a consequence of longevity.

62- This type of brain-activity loss might be contributing to a downward spiral in addicts.”

63- The best-known species is the chambered nautilus, revered for the beauty of its spiral shell.

64- Pigskins Shame spiral: California Bans R-Word in Public Schools The e-mail field is required.

65- Without the coverage of foreign media, the voices of many would be buried in a spiral of fear.

66- This leads to a spiral of ever weaker demand, slowing the economy and pushing up unemployment.

67- A stalled economy has meant that from a point of growth we are now back into a downward spiral.

68- And she didn’t trust anybody Instead, it marked the start of a downward spiral for the Burnaby teen.

69- People really need to think about this downward spiral we get into and work harder to counteract it.

70- spiral can also disguise herself through her magic.

71- The spiral arms are thought to be areas of high-density matter, or ” density waves “.

72- NGC 1316 appears to be interacting with NGC 1317, a small spiral galaxy to the north.

73- They are marked by retractive lines of growth and many fine, closely placed spiral striations.

74- The concave side of the bead clearly shows the spiral form of the interior of the spire of the cone shell.

75- Her career entered into a downward spiral soon afterwards as a result of a lawsuit for payment of studio rentals.

76- Emperor Muzong’s brief reign came to an end in 824, and was viewed as the start of the downward spiral of the Tang Dynasty.

77- She also has a Winter Garden lounge with a retractable glass roof and a two-storey library with a connecting spiral staircase.

78- Jormungandr Known as the ‘Ancestor Piece’, or “Doomsday Beast”, Jormungandr is an Eternal sealed beneath the spiral Tower in San Miguel.

79- The inflorescence is almost 2 m long; the flowers are hermaphroditic, about 4 mm long, with a tubular yellowish green corolla, and arranged in a spiral pattern.

80- The spiral whorls can differ between narrow and robust.

81- The spiral‘s dimensions are 5′ long by 3′ wide by 3’ tall.

82- Some flowers contain flower parts with a spiral arrangement.

83- The shell surface is smooth, glazed, and lacking spiral and axial sculpture.

84- Spirillum in microbiology refers to a bacterium with a cell body that twists like a spiral.

85- The pairs of Imogen and Susie, Michael and spiral and Pete and Richard were put up for eviction.

86- One-armed spiral galaxies Ultraviolet image NGC 4618 (Arp 23) One-armed spiral galaxies are also rare.

87- The inflorescences are quite unique; the spathe is mottled and elongated with a spiral twist at the end.

88- Curschmann’s spiral Curschmann’s spirals refers to a finding in the sputum of spiral shaped mucus plugs.

89- “spiral Galaxy 28948″ is a Simon House instrumental, the title being his date of birth (28 September 1948).

90- The slide; Ocasio twice Demoralised at having lost another close decision, Young went on a gradual downward spiral.

91- In 1997, Techno Import, a French commercial distributor, compiled a CD entitled spiral Tribe: The Sound of Teknival.

92- A vice or spiral staircase enclosed by a tower projecting out from the northwest wall gave access to the upper floors.

93- The floors are a series of concrete slabs that spiral upwards, defining the differently programmed areas of the house.

94- Typical antennas specified include dipole, biconical, log-periodic, double ridged guide and conical log-spiral designs.

95- The ground colour of its shell is yellow, often with a peripheral spiral brown band, a purplish apical suffusion and a light yellow or white lip.

96- Wah Seong is also a leading distributor and manufacturer of building materials and spiral welded steel pipes for water transmission and infrastructure use.

97- Three-armed spiral galaxies Usually, most spiral galaxies contain two clearly defined spiral arms, or they contain only fuzzy filamentary spiral structures.

98- However, her spiral Arrow in Capcom vs. SNK travels under most projectiles, and also must be blocked in a crouching position, enhancing the move’s usefulness.

99- Japanese spiral Zone The suits and some of the vehicles in spiral Zone originated from a line of action figures produced by Bandai that was sold from 1985 to 1988.

100- A conic helix may be defined as a spiral on a conic surface, with the distance to the apex an exponential function of the angle indicating direction from the axis.

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