spiraling in a sentence

Use ‘spiraling’ in a sentence | ‘spiraling’ example sentences

1- Another common error is spiraling rings onto a piston.

2- The offer comes amid spiraling fears of impending famine.

3- Both retail and asset prices were spiraling higher.

4- The spiraling wind pattern helps the hurricane form.

5- In such cases, spiraling loss of productivity may result.

6- On the top right is a spiraling descent path.

7- Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling .

8- The situation is spiraling out of control.

9- No unchecked, unknown spiraling legal fees ready to surprise you.

10- This is attributed mainly to the spiraling prices of farm inputs.

11- He struggled to regain his voice and pay spiraling medical bills.

12- The human race is out of control and spiraling downward.

13- Indian economy ‘s deficit is spiraling out of control.

14- spiraling health care costs have also pressured the government.

15- The act ends with her spiraling into confusion.

16- The vaults are painted with spiraling vegetal motifs.

17- Limiting competition caused spiraling prices and deteriorating quality .

18- He has a daughter now, but is spiraling quickly.

19- This stopped the network activity from spiraling out of control.

20- I’m 40 feet in the air, spiraling around.

21- But all resonant addiction the problems, she spiraling .

22- Helictites are curious twisted or spiraling cylinders or needles.

23- Many different shapes and degrees of spiraling were used in experimental designs.

24- Talk it out when your worries start spiraling .

25- Reorganizing includes treating energy early and spiraling back to energy treatments.

26- It’s skyrocketed past spiraling health care increases of 5.8 percent.

27- You have less money , and this just starts spiraling down.

28- Sunflowers provide a great example of these spiraling patterns .

29- For the second straight week that play sent the Aggies spiraling downward.

30- Bunk worries that the murder rate is spiraling out of control.

31- The rim was decorated with a single row of diagonal leaves spiraling inward.

32- But off the field, he’s spiraling out of control.

33- Another song to feature in the series was ” spiraling Shape”.

34- An extremely expensive project with costs waaaay over-budget and spiraling higher .

35- Coupled with his grief, Larry was spiraling into drug addiction.

36- Thought patterns spiraling down from the core of time and timelessness.

37- Evansville claims to be suffering from high growth and spiraling traffic congestion.

38- After a nearly perfect entrance, the arrow continued spiraling toward the ocean.

39- Headon recorded a solo album, before once again spiraling into drug abuse.

40- Spiral galaxies are galaxies whose visible stars take on a spiraling pinwheel shape. Is the fragile political situation in Burundi further spiraling into chaos?

41- She left Emory her freshman year in 2009 because her mental health was spiraling.

42- But he cut a gate too close and hooked his arm, sending him spiraling out of control.

43- We have come to understand crime as a kind of social phantom that is spiraling out of control.

44- Abell 400 is a galaxy cluster, containing a galaxy ( NGC 1128 ) with two supermassive black holes 3C 75 spiraling towards merger.

45- The loss of his beloved wife sent Stanton spiraling into a deep depression.

46- spiraling plays high-energy, rocking pop songs with delicious vocals and awesome lyrics that are damn near impossible not to sing along to.

47- Unreferenced A spill plane is a device which creates long, spiraling wood shavings or tapers which are used to move fire from one place to another.

48- The bases lie horizontally between the two spiraling strands.

49- This releases a spiraling ray that turns into seaweed and entangles the foe.

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