sphinx in a sentence 2

Use ‘sphinx’ in a sentence | ‘sphinx’ example sentences

50- Examples are The sphinx, The Watchdog, The Camel, The Turtle and The Dancing Bear.

51- These are small sphinx moths with a wing span of a bit more than an inch from tip to tip.

52- Meanwhile, Duré decides to go explore while Sol and Rachel wait with Lamia at the sphinx.

53- Spurious sphinx variation The upperside of the forewing is pale silvery gray with black markings.

54- Vanessa is revealed as a traitor and subsequently put into the Quiet Box at the suggestion of the sphinx.

55- C&G was founded in 1886, just after the sphinx, and moved to its current location at 1 South Main Street in 1893.

56- Crucius the Mad A mythical sphinx who is believed to be the only one who can create Etherium, the metal that can produce mana.

57- While in London, Azzam joined the sphinx Society, a political grouping where Azzam quickly grew to prominence.

58- “Dave Vanian becomes Mr. Nomad, while Roman Jugg turns into sphinx Svenson, and Rat Scabies into Nick Detroit”.

59- The ball rolls under a sphinx (the statue turns its head to see the ball as it rolls behind him) and into a pyramid.

60- W. E. B. Du Bois, quoted in Maghan Keita, Race and the Writing of History: Riddling the sphinx, Oxford University Press US, 2000, p.78.

61- “He was a member of the Willard Straight Hall Board of managers and associate editor of The Cornellian; is a member of sphinx Head and Beta Sigma Rho.

62- The sphinx Senior Society and the Friars Senior Society were both founded at the turn of the 20th century, while The Mortar Board Senior Society was founded in 1922.

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