sphinx in a sentence

Use ‘sphinx’ in a sentence | ‘sphinx’ example sentences

1- The sphinx system was designed round a specific resource management task.

2- sphinx uses a language model match factor , to compensate.

3- The sphinx image also has been adopted into Masonic architecture.

4- The performance featured a giant sphinx on the stage.

5- sphinx , again, is largely true to life.

6- They were defeated and presumably killed by sphinx .

7- Hop down onto the sphinx‘s back.

8- The sphinx was by now a conveniently available local one.

9- sphinx was well received by much of the gaming community.

10- Here, too, the sphinx serves a protective function.

11- Picasso inspiration is clear The Chicago Picasso sculpture is a sphinx .

12- What role might the sphinx serve in this world?

13- A space alien that looks like a sphinx cat.

14- Had the sphinx protected London from a disastrous fate?

15- The concluding satyr play was “The sphinx “.

16- Before the sphinx no one is important.

17- He was eventually resurrected in his original body by the sphinx .

18- The face of the sphinx has been damaged over the millennia.

19- She sat in the sphinx position, with her eyes closed.

20- Turn so the sphinx is again on Lara’s left.

21- Then slide down the side of the sphinx to the ground.

22- Chephren’s pyramid is located directly behind the sphinx .

23- Cut scene: A panoramic view of the sphinx .

24- This leads back to the area by the sphinx .

25- The sphinx reduces man really to nothingness.

26- Why was the sphinx sent and who by?

27- But there’s no mention of any sphinx .

28- The satyr play that followed the trilogy was called the sphinx .

29- Er’s a sound!” The sphinx smiled at him.

30- Who built the sphinx , and when, is unknown.

31- What is the significance of the sphinx in the novel?

32- The characteristic Roman chairs were of marble, also adorned with sphinxes .

33- The sphinx is located to the east of and below the pyramids.

34- The sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch.

35- I created a gryphon and the male equivalent of the sphinx .

36- Cherub, or sphinx , was very popular in Phoenician iconography.

37- Q: (L) Why was the sphinx built?

38- Imhotep is a magician and sphinx‘s mentor.

39- Q: (L) Who built the sphinx ?

40- Hesiod introduces the sphinx , without mentioning Oedipus. Suddenly, the sphinx raised its head.

41- When he was about to pass, the sphinx jumped in front of him.

42- Euproserpinus is a genus of sphinx moth in the Sphingidae family.

43- “They are mantic creatures like the sphinx with whom they have much in common, knowing both the past and the future,” Harrison observed.

44- The economy of sphinx is based upon mining, forestry and animal husbandry.

45- His Shadow of the sphinx is a horror novel about an ancient Egyptian sorceress.

46- Oscar Wilde dedicated to him his long poem ” The sphinx ” (1894) “in friendship and admiration.

47- Caesar, wandering lonely in the desert night, comes upon the sphinx and speaks to it profoundly.

48- The Pandora sphinx moth (Eumorpha pandorus), also called the Pandorus sphinx Moth is a North American moth in the Sphingidae family.

49- The sphinx says Superman gave an acceptable answer, and Lois is saved.

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