spherical in a sentence 2

Use ‘spherical’ in a sentence | ‘spherical’ example sentences

51- The spherical curve in its non-Euclidian geometry, contains the straight line as a singular occurrence among endless possibilities.

52- To aim the telescope, the receiver is moved to intercept signals reflected from different directions by the spherical dish surface.

53- Max Abraham (1902) subsequently sketched a theoretical explanation of Kaufmann’s result in which the electron was considered as rigid and spherical.

54- A Schmidt corrector plate is an aspheric lens which is designed to correct the spherical aberration in the spherical primary mirror it is combined with.

55- The plume’s presence, in fact, implies that the spherical symmetry of its photosphere, often observed in the infrared, is not preserved in its close environment.

56- Maca does vary greatly in the size and shape of the root, which can be triangular, flattened circular, spherical or rectangular, the latter of which forms the largest roots.

57- “Gaussian processes and almost spherical sections of convex bodies”.

58- When spilled, it bores a spherical shaft into the center of the planet.

59- There is an asymptotic solution for spherical particles with low charged DLs.

60- Lenses in which closer-to-ideal, non-spherical surfaces are used are called aspheric lenses.

61- Tree hollows tend to be preferred, but spherical constructions made of leaves are also common.

62- These are small spherical regions in which the iron oxide colouration has been discharged about a centre.

63- For spherical coordinates, is the angle between the z axis and the radius vector connecting the origin to the point in question.

64- In 2009 he published a book on the history of trigonometry, and he is working on the first book on spherical trigonometry in over 100 years.

65- The FMH set of coefficients applies weightings to the channels such that all the spherical harmonic coefficients have a maximum value of unity.

66- We also use spherical coordinates throughout, e.g., the vector has coordinates where is the radius, is the colatitude and is the azimuthal angle.

67- USDA (1994), Niembro Rocas (2002) It is known for its large proportions, its expansive, often spherical crown, and its curiously shaped seedpods.

68- spherical stone shot were chosen because of cheapness; forged iron, bronze and lead balls were tried, but the expense prevented their general adoption.

69- The flowers are borne in one to three (most often two) dense spherical inflorescences on a pendulous stem, with male and female flowers on separate stems.

70- These aqueous homogeneous reactor type of low power nuclear reactors used an 93% enriched uranyl sulphate solution held in a critical configuration in a spherical vessel.

71- This involves resolving a spherical triangle.

72- Sphericity is a measure of how spherical (round) an object is.

73- This is caused by a deviation in the shape of the cornea, a shape other than spherical.

74- Food vessels * Duì (敦, not pronounced dūn): spherical dish with a cover and three short legs.

75- This Fourier transform is scaled by the amplitude of the spherical wave, which has dimensions of length.

76- In spherical coordinates (Schey 1992, pp. 139-142): : where is the azimuth angle and is the zenith angle.

77- Cannonball concretions Cannonball concretions are large spherical concretions, which resemble cannonballs.

78- However, large caliber shells, such as the 32-pounder spherical were effective at breaching entrenchments.

79- The Beloms themselves are brown, spherical ball-like creatures with faces, which tremble as the player approaches them.

80- And homogeneous conditions for the transport process can only exist for spherical, cylindrical, or infinite plane surfaces.

81- The spherical coordinates (2,45°,−60°) determine the point of space where those three surfaces intersect, shown as a black sphere.

82- The spherical, slightly waxy fruit is just under 2 millimeters wide and is dotted with glands.

83- His new system of spherical geometry preserves his name in the list of well-known mathematicians.

84- The name Powderpuff refers to the small spherical flowers that rise above the plants creeping vines.

85- Väisälä did mention it in lecture notes in 1924 with a footnote: “problematic spherical focal plane”.

86- The Noro-Frenkel law can be generalized to particles with limited valency (i.e. to non spherical interactions).

87- Described as “an indestructible living weapon”, it is a glowing, spherical pod that can be attached to the player’s ship.

88- Fish bowls are generally either made of plastic or glass, and are either spherical or some other round configuration in shape.

89- The Golden Emperor is usually depicted as being slightly shorter than a standard Dalek, with a disproportionately large spherical head section.

90- These can always be matched to a Schwarzschild vacuum across a spherical surface, so they can be used as interior solutions in a stellar model.

91- As Lady Rothermere, she led a colourful social life, earning her the nickname of “Bubbles”, through a love of champagne and her spherical figure.

92- References * K. I. Gross and D. St. P. Richards, “Total positivity, spherical series, and hypergeometric functions of matrix argument”, J. Approx.

93- The leaf crown is sparse but spherical, each arching leaf is around 3 m long with pinnately arranged, 45 cm leaflets which are dark green in color.

94- The spherical cast-iron projectiles located in front of the cannon – each of which weighs approximately 1 ton, were produced in 1834 as a decoration.

95- Hubble Telescope observations revealed a number of faint rings around the Eye, which are spherical shells ejected by the central star in the distant past.

96- In a focusing RICH detector the photons are collected by a spherical mirror with focal length and focused onto the photon detector placed at the focal plane.

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