spherical in a sentence

Use ‘spherical’ in a sentence | ‘spherical’ example sentences

1- These products usually include spherical plastic beads.

2- The corresponding irreducible representations are called ” spherical representations”.

3- The third is that spherical aberration is reduced.

4- He understood mathematically why a spherical mirror produces aberration.

5- One solution is made easier with spherical coordinates.

6- The sphere is said to exhibit spherical symmetry.

7- They usually include numerous rounded and spherical shaped armor plates.

8- A ball valve uses a spherical ball instead.

9- The feces resemble round to spherical pellets.

10- The zodiac is a spherical celestial coordinate system.

11- A point source produces a spherical wave.

12- The best things in life are spherical .

13- In addition, spherical phases occasionally form.

14- In particular, spherical mirrors exhibit spherical aberration.

15- In particular, spherical mirrors exhibit spherical aberration.

16- This projection uses a spherical camera plane for rendering.

17- German researchers found that mice healed faster in spherical cages.

18- The spherical shape is caused by tumbling on lake bottoms.

19- The spherical aura is also a powerful defensive tool.

20- The models usually use a spherical earth.

21- These containers are either cylindrical and horizontal or spherical .

22- The cornea is elliptical and the lens is spherical .

23- The stones were normally ground into cylindrical or spherical beads.

24- He firmly believed that the earth was spherical .

25- This spherical symmetry is explained in this mainstream physics video !

26- Coleman rear trailing arms and watts links with spherical bearings .

27- This is referred to as spherical geometry.

28- The spherical electrostatic analyzer is used now, oddly enough.

29- The quantity “E” is called the spherical excess.

30- Einstein showed k=2.5 for spherical particles.

31- This produces a superior, spherical pearl.

32- A flotilla of spherical white balloons (universes?

33- In summary, spherical earth model, easy.

34- Its spherical shaped mimicked developing space technology.

35- These types of heads are sometimes called ” spherical ” tripod heads.

36- The 18-pounder shrapnel shell contained 374 small spherical bullets.

37- Earth is not in a perfect spherical shape.

38- It is used as a tool for spherical astronomy.

39- This is a simple, familiar example of spherical geometry.

40- This spot is indicated by a pink, spherical grid. The third is that spherical aberration is reduced.

41- He understood mathematically why a spherical mirror produces aberration .

42- In particular, spherical mirrors exhibit spherical aberration .

43- A projection lens incorporating aspheric elements to correct for spherical aberration .

44- The cage is spherical in shape.

45- Our sun is a spherical ball of hot gas.

46- A “Micro Bloon” spherical capsule on a test flight, far above the Earth.

47- They minimize spherical aberration and can detect the direction of incoming light.

48- Example Assume a rotating spherical asteroid has two wedges attached to its equator.

49- Lenses in which both spherical aberration and coma are minimised are called bestform lenses.

50- Spores range in shape from roughly spherical to egg-shaped, have a smooth surface, and are colorless.

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