spheres in a sentence 2

Use ‘spheres’ in a sentence | ‘spheres’ example sentences

51- The member is composed of maroon mudstones with irregular spheres of carbonate nodules.

52- Three spheres II is a lithograph print by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher which was first printed in April 1946.

53- As we hear Him we hear the music of the spheres, like the rising choral, Ode to Joy, in Beethoven’s final symphony.

54- Philbin III 1994, p. 71 The German populace did not know about the secret protocols dividing up spheres of influence.

55- EURIWARE is a French company that provides advanced Consultancy and IT services in the spheres of energy, industry and defense.

56- The name “ẓeba’ot” (hosts), he says, applies to all the beings of the three natures, earthly, heavenly (or spheres), and spirits (or forms).

57- There are no employment generating economical or industrial activities at the local level and this town lacks in leadership on socio-economical spheres.

58- The Charles Lloyd band was bridging the jazz and rock spheres and Jarrett’s performances (which included playing inside the piano) received much attention.

59- Consider a plane with a compact arrangement of spheres on it.

60- A ball with a curved arrow pushes a line of spheres before resting in its place.

61- They are blue-colored genies who hurl spheres of elemental energy at their enemies.

62- Higher dimensional knots are n-dimensional spheres in m-dimensional Euclidean space.

63- Medallions (Curved) Stitches are gradually stepped and color changes cause spheres or medallions to appear.

64- The spheres do not allow new babies to live, and there haven’t been a birth since the spheres conquered the earth.

65- Lynch has continued to advance the spheres of Influence concept through collaborations with young Afro-Cuban musicians.

66- While in costume, Mr. Terrific has no fewer than three T-spheres orbiting his body at all times and has had as many as ten.

67- A new line of spheres will appear once all of the current line of spheres pushes beyond the halfway point of the set-up track.

68- Hughes 2002, p. 461 Persia at the time was divided into British and Russian spheres of influence with a neutral zone in between.

69- Game play The game involves three child contestants trying to obtain ” Year spheres ” to get the biggest over-all score to win the game.

70- Each and all, the subjective and objective spheres are related, and at the same time, independent.

71- This was simplified, of course, as a high degree of agreement existed between the two in both spheres of policy.

72- The remaining spheres then begin construction of a new Warworld, with the ship, controlled by Mongul as its heart.

73- These spheres became the lenses of his microscopes, with the smallest spheres providing the highest magnifications.

74- AU 784.8; Mac Niocaill, pg.139; Byrne,pg.124 The purpose of the meetimg may have been to deliminate spheres of influence.

75- Social Microcosms are miniature spheres of distinctly separate human interaction and behavior within a city, country, or planet.

76- Fig. 4 shows the intricacy required to make sure that all spheres intersect correctly, and also demonstrates a reflective model.

77- A 1997 recording called spheres of Influence (Sharp Nine), became the first of several Lynch projects displaying a strong Afro-Cuban influence.

78- Kellenberger made a decisive contribution towards more intensive cooperation in several spheres between the ICRC and the European Union and its member States.

79- Gameplay Modes Adventure Classic Mode Similar to the previous Luxor versions, the player has to make matches of 3 or more of the same color to destroy the spheres.

80- In response, especially in the military and diplomatic spheres, nationalist ideas were kindled and raised questions about the alignment policy with the United States.

81- ; Lamp Grasper (9th – 12th Competitions) :The competitor crosses a pool of water by grabbing onto a series of small glowing blue spheres attached to the scaffolding above.

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