spheres in a sentence

Use ‘spheres’ in a sentence | ‘spheres’ example sentences

1- They are tiny hollow spheres and are virtually inert.

2- Assume that both spheres undergo simple harmonic motion 48.

3- These goals are pursued in three major interconnected spheres .

4- The passenger ships had habitation spheres 20 meters in diameter.

5- Christians experienced sporadic persecutions in both political spheres .

6- Extremely thin films and tiny spheres exhibit high strength.

7- Universal money frequently weakened the boundaries between exchange spheres .

8- These spheres often occur on different scales.

9- They often face discrimination in various spheres .

10- The normative spheres always refer beyond themselves, anticipating later spheres.

11- The normative spheres always refer beyond themselves, anticipating later spheres .

12- On the circuit being closed the spheres become charged.

13- Labor cost in almost all spheres is low.

14- Further concrete evidence may be revealing itself in rather unusual spheres .

15- Wholesale pricing on split round balls and wooden split spheres .

16- There was political competition for spheres of influence.

17- Identifying and tracking new across cultural spheres .

18- The shapes of large celestial bodies are close to spheres .

19- Copernicus argued that the universe comprised eight spheres .

20- He borrowed metaphors from diverse spheres of everyday life.

21- Clubs are groups that reflect spheres of activity.

22- There are close analogies between the two spheres .

23- In other spheres attempts to increase productivity had been blocked.

24- But both those physics are true in their different spheres .

25- He ignores the idea of differently qualified spheres .

26- In three particular spheres , he made remarkable progress.

27- Jensen’s views became widely known in many spheres .

28- The Sun is also assigned three spheres .

29- Many civilizations are actually large cultural spheres containing many nations and regions.

30- Solid lines indicate flow paths; blue spheres are unactivated platelets.

31- They have separate spheres but no rigid role boundaries.

32- Representatives from all spheres of government participated.

33- I’m very passionate about leadership in different spheres .

34- Each of these spheres contains the vital force behind creative impulses.

35- The tension persists in a number of spheres .

36- Fine grooves circle some of the spheres .

37- One of the spheres even folds down.

38- Change is inevitable in all spheres of life.

39- Its members are highly influential in a number of spheres .

40- When these spheres cease, is there anything else left? He nods and shakes the spheres.

41- Computer technology has been responsible for great changes in the economic order of the world, in addition to political and cultural spheres.

42- Feminism is about challenging the division of labor in the world that puts men in charge of the public spheres – work, government, etc.

43- – while women carry the entire burden of raising a family without being paid for their efforts.

44- 638220Some visitors may wonder whether living has only become possible in virtual spheres.

45- He borrowed metaphors from diverse spheres of everyday life.

46- Jains have significantly influenced the religious, ethical, political and economic spheres in India for over two millennia.

47- Each spell furthermore belongs to one of the eight spheres of magic: Life, Death, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Cosmos and Secret/Chaos.

48- The poem’s penultimate verse repeats its first line, ‘heigh in the hevynnis figure circulere’, so that its structure echoes that of the celestial spheres which it evokes.

49- The groups 1998 recording, Heavenly spheres was awarded a Félix Award from the ADISQ and the Juno Award for Classical Album of the Year – Vocal or Choral Performance in 2000.

50- “Cambian la mineria por las esferas Trade mining for spheres ” (in Spanish).

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