sperm in a sentence 3

Use ‘sperm’ in a sentence | ‘sperm’ example sentences

94- The HFEA must be notified of exports of sperm from the UK which will only be granted in accordance with ‘special directions’.

95- “Expression of human oocyte-specific linker histone protein and its incorporation into sperm chromatin during fertilization”.

96- Mr. Bomann-Larsen further implies, but does not directly state, that the sperm donor was Sir Francis’s son, Guy Francis Laking.

97- Specific amounts of exposure to radiation destroyed a person’s ability to produce ova or sperm.

98- She was soon impregnated by Brad’s sperm and it was revealed not much later that she was pregnant.

99- The muscular spasms are theorized to aid in the locomotion of sperm up the vaginal walls into the uterus.

100- The male sheds his sperm into the inhalent current of the respiring mussel and thereby fertilizes the eggs.

101- Physiology and disease * Lowered sperm counts Manning JT, Scutt D, Wilson J, Lewis-Jones DI (November 1998).

102- The sperm is absorbed through pores in the skin, causing fertilization in the “loser,” who becomes the mother.

103- If sperm are not found, then an epididymis to vas deferens connection (vasoepididymostomy) is needed to restore sperm flow.

104- For pre-pubescent boys, sperm can be obtained through testicular aspiration or electrostimulation and then stored for future use.

105- Gould JE, Overstreet JW and Hanson FW (1984) Assessment of human sperm function after recovery from the female reproductive tract.

106- The male either inserts his penis into the female’s cloaca or uses it to penetrate her skin, injecting the sperm into the body cavity.

107- The sudden rise in calcium levels causes the flagellum to form deeper bends, propelling the sperm more forcefully through the viscous environment.

108- Archives of Andrology 25:243-251 (1990) or fluorescence microscopy can be used for assessing the shedding of the acrosome or “acrosome reaction” of a sperm sample.

109- sperm chemotaxis was demonstrated in a large number of non-mammalian species, from marine invertebrates (Cosson, 1990; Miller, 1985) to frogs (Al-Anzi and Chandler, 1998).

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