sperm in a sentence

Use ‘sperm’ in a sentence | ‘sperm’ example sentences

1- The human sperm cell has 23 chromosomes.

2- The sperm cell has three basic parts.

3- A mature sperm whale has few natural predators.

4- Energy metabolism is a key factor supporting sperm function.

5- The effects on sperm concentration were less clear.

6- The sperm cell is very basic and has very little function.

7- What structure are mature sperm cells stored in?

8- Which reproductive organ produces the sperm cell?

9- The production of mature sperm cells is called?

10- How much memory does a sperm cell carry?

11- This is known as last male sperm precedence.

12- So newer sperm is used before the older sperm.

13- So newer sperm is used before the older sperm .

14- Many researchers also believe smoking may lower sperm count.

15- Multiple paternity is possible due to sperm storage.

16- Neither embryonic development nor sperm have been observed.

17- These condoms are designed to maximize sperm life.

18- The sperm whale feeds primarily on squid.

19- And sperm counts rebounded quickly once the treatment was stopped .

20- He reportedly became pregnant through a sperm donation .

21- Drinking alcohol reduces sperm count in men.

22- These tubes are responsible for producing sperm cells.

23- Unlike sperm , eggs are produced very sparingly.

24- Mice fed GM soy had altered young sperm .

25- The quality of the sperm is important.

26- It occurs if the sperm duct is damaged.

27- This small pit marks where the sperm entered the egg.

28- Treatment with chemotherapy can sometimes improve sperm production.

29- The sperm is the main reproductive cell in males.

30- Important structural characteristic of the sperm cell?

31- Part of sperm cell that contains chromosomes?

32- Do sperm cells have a cell membrane?

33- How can improve sperm cell and sperm?

34- How can improve sperm cell and sperm ?

35- What is the process of forming sperm cells?

36- How do sperm cells travel through the male reproductive system?

37- This process usually involves one egg and several hundred million sperm .

38- Natural enhancement pills to improve both sperm quality and quantity. I had an artificial insemination with sperm from my husband.

39- The egg of the female is fertilized by the sperm of the male.

40- Did you know that in order to find their way to the egg, sperm implement their sense of smell.

41- A certain species of turtles can store and use viable sperm for at least three years following mating.

42- A man’s testicles produce 72 million sperm a day, enough in three months to populate the entire world.

43- Recent research has shown that certain hormones which are present in plastics, and which come in contact with food, can actually impair sperm production in men who eat such food.

44- She used a frozen embryo with her own egg and donor sperm to conceive.

45- sperm or egg donations can assist couples with issues who cannot conceive.

46- It refers to in vitro fertilization – mixing eggs and sperm in a lab dish.

47- “If you have a huge pitch, the sperm are unlikely to interact much with one another.

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