spent in a sentence 3

Use ‘spent’ in a sentence | ‘spent’ example sentences

101- It seems he spent many a night unable to sleep.

102- He required her to explain how she spent money.

103- She spent no less than , dollars on her clothes.

104- She dwelt on the miserable days she spent there.

105- I spent several days sorting through her papers.

106- As soon as she got her salary, she spent it all.

107- I spent two hours watching television last night.

108- We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot.

109- I spent all yesterday afternoon cleaning my room.

110- He has spent most of his time as a career diplomat.

111- Scott spent the morning pulling weeds in the garden.

112- I spent the major part of my vacation at my uncle’s.

113- He has spent most of his working life as a diplomat.

114- Large amounts of money were spent on the new bridge.

115- I spent hours looking for the key that I had dropped.

116- I’ve spent the entire morning cleaning my room.

117- thorinLife is half spent before we know what it is.

118- kebukebuHow much money has been spent on building the museum?

119- Five years have been spent building the new building.

120- The monks spent the afternoon in silent contemplation.

121- I’ve already spent all my pocket money for this month.

122- She spent most of her life taking care of poor people.

123- They spent the evening having a cozy chat over coffee.

124- He was in despair when he spent the last of his money.

125- They spent hours in argument about the future of Japan.

126- A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.

127- JimBreenHe will have spent all his money by the end of the month.

128- Can you account for all the money you spent on your trip?

129- Robinson Crusoe spent 28 years shipwrecked on his island.

130- I spent Saturday afternoon watching entirely too much TV.

131- I spent two hours watching a baseball game on TV last night.

132- We spent our whole summer at the lake, swimming and fishing.

133- They spent the night swapping stories of their teenage years.

134- They spent their honeymoon in a luxurious motel at Long Beach.

135- He’s spent all afternoon rooting up last year’s spinach plants.

136- We spent the evening looking at old pictures in our photo album.

137- Find someone who has spent an entire night in an airport lounge.

138- He looked upon any time not spent in study as so much lost time.

139- My mother spent her entire adult life raising her four children.

140- The actress spent the morning going over her lines in the script.

141- Adam and Tanya spent their honeymoon hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro.

142- Young Martin spent a fairly quiet childhood in Atlanta, Georgia.

143- CPShe spent the morning putting labels on all the jars of preserves.

144- Dian Fossey spent a number of years observing gorillas in the wild.

145- We spent the afternoon motoring around the lake in our little boat.

146- We spent the day walking down country lanes past all the old farMs. The construction crew spent all morning blasting holes in the rock.

147- Find someone who has spent a vacation in an exotic location.

148- expandSamantha spent the afternoon in the studio modeling for a painting.

149- In 1999, Americans spent $1 billion on beauty items for fingernails.

150- The first fifteen days of the Chinese New Year are spent celebrating.

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