spent in a sentence

Use ‘spent’ in a sentence | ‘spent’ example sentences

1- His life had been spent building empires.

2- She has spent countless hours researching teas.

3- What is raised locally is spent locally.

4- That is another several billion dollars spent .

5- The afternoon is again spent viewing game.

6- I spent those initial 12 weeks taking life very quietly.

7- They had spent six years together before getting married.

8- His early commissioned service was spent aboard battleships.

9- We obviously spent far too much money.

10- He next spent three years practicing law.

11- One reward mile is earned per $20 spent .

12- Hours spent participating per member dropping seriously.

13- The afternoon was spent practising national negotiation.

14- The spent cooling water is highly radioactive .

15- The next three nights are spent here.

16- I spent three days reading specification documents.

17- He spent 16 seasons playing professional basketball.

18- In 1981 it spent £252 million.

19- Not nearly as much has been spent expressing hope.

20- We spent six hours rigging and testing.

21- The big money has evidently been well spent .

22- Amanda has spent many years working with youth.

23- I spent the next 10 years slowly killing myself.

24- I spent 6 years off all pain medications.

25- Every dollar of payroll taxes is spent .

26- Every day spent suffering is too costly.

27- They spent these times discussing spiritual matters.

28- In 1988 companies spent $55 million on advertising.

29- No money is being spent promoting this website.

30- Almost $38 million has been spent so far.

31- The poor man spent three months in jail before being released.

32- Time spent reading is associated with attitudes toward additional reading.

33- Time spent reading is related to reading success.

34- The time thus released is spent taking various liberal arts courses.

35- Many hours were spent rebuilding the shelter.

36- My entire career has been spent in market research.

37- He has spent nearly 25 years in journalism.

38- I spent almost ten hours preparing the fuselage.

39- I spent a solid decade running eight different restaurants.

40- He spent three hours exploring the sea floor. Pages Abstruse I’ve never spent much time thinking about Ash Wednesday before.

41- I spent a month or two being absurdly enthusiastic about unrealistic goals.

42- I spent much of 2011 searching and absorbing information.

43- Soon gotten soon spent.

44- I spent dollars today.

45- I spent , yen on a new CD.

46- I spent an idle week there.

47- I spent hours reading books.

48- I spent ten dollars on books.

49- I spent my vacation in Hakone.

50- I’ve spent almost all my money.

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