spends in a sentence 4

Use ‘spends’ in a sentence | ‘spends’ example sentences

150- Soichiro spends most of his time assisting his father, and Reiji rewards him by taking him to a nice dinner with Yukino.

151- Harry spends some of his free time visiting his widowed neighbor Lilly, a pet store owner who has loved Harry for years.

152- Synopsis A deranged psychotic spends his summer day deciding how to deal with the three captives he has chained up on his land.

153- Samus is tough, silent, heavily armed and spends most of her time in a bulky suit of high-tech Power Armor.” Hoeger, Justin (2002-12-06).

154- Ferguson also spends several weeks a year on the road speaking at youth leadership conferences, high schools and college campuses nationwide.

155- Eddie finds a brunette attempting to start a Jeep, and spends several long minutes unsuccessfully chasing her around an empty industrial warehouse.

156- Ichitaka spends a considerable amount of time through the story continuing to ask for advice, but as the story progresses he learns to not rely so heavily on him.

157- Cole spends much of the early series as Graves’ “right hand man” and was shown to be fiercely loyal to him even when not fully understanding Graves’ plans himself.

158- Isis spends a life time searching for her soul mate.

159- She spends her days wreaking havoc around the streets.

160- Spencer is arrested and spends New Year’s Eve in prison.

161- Bev also spends some time working at The Weatherfield Arms.

162- Will spends days hiking through the canyon, searching for Sandy.

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