spends in a sentence

Use ‘spends’ in a sentence | ‘spends’ example sentences

1- The military spends more on marching bands.

2- He spends several pages justifying the assumptions given above.

3- The average worker spends 35 minutes per day commuting.

4- It spends every waking moment investigating its world.

5- Natalia spends many weeks debating the decision.

6- The government spends too much on benefits.

7- Author spends the proceeds without delivering anything .

8- She spends every possible moment with him.

9- FDA spends considerable time and staff resources processing petitions.

10- A typical household spends $110 dollars per year on lighting.

11- She spends her spare time watching television.

12- Jesus spends forty days in the temple groves.

13- The average working man spends roughly half of his life working.

14- Scotland also spends more per head on health.

15- Each student spends at least three years in school.

16- She spends several years on the streets.

17- Maurice spends his days mourning the fisherman.

18- A company spends $20 million dollars for an office building.

19- He spends his free time smoking marijuana.

20- He spends another night at the hospital again.

21- The character spends the next two episodes behind bars.

22- Ali spends months trying to track his estranged wife down.

23- Though sometimes he spends too much time thinking.

24- He spends the next three months absent from school battling hepatitis.

25- She spends her break reading and eating pasta.

26- She spends hours looking after her nails.

27- The player then spends centuries tracking this boat down.

28- Comcast spends millions of dollars annually on government relationships.

29- He spends the entire chapter using speed and alcohol.

30- She spends two hours every night replying to fans .

31- No other rich country spends more than 12 .

32- This government spends countless millions of taxpayer dollars on blatant propaganda .

33- Maryland spends innocent lives to save the guilty .

34- Interstate 80 spends approximately 52 miles in this basin.

35- Who actually spends money on this crap?

36- The research business also spends nose regional juice and art.

37- Her mother spends almost every waking moment trying to warn people.

38- A reformer spends less, not zero.

39- It spends the 53%’s money.

40- King spends four days in Birmingham jail. He often spends his time idly.

41- She spends much money on books.

42- She spends much money on dresses.

43- He always spends his money freely.

44- She spends a lot of money on shoes.

45- Sometimes he spends time by himself.

46- She spends as much money as she earns.

47- She spends most of her income on books.

48- She spends her holidays at her uncle’s.

49- My sister spends too much time dressing.

50- He spends a great deal of money on books.

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