sown in a sentence 2

Use ‘sown’ in a sentence | ‘sown’ example sentences

50- The seeds should be sown thinly across the top of fine, packed soil.

51- The ground was also sown with caltrops of iron barbs at various places to discourage assault.

52- Seeds should be sown about 6 mm deep in a peaty seed sowing mix at about 15-20°C with frequent watering.

53- These seeds were sown on commercial potting mix and 60 percent germinated between 13 and 106 days following sowing.

54- These claims greatly overlapped, and thus were sown the seeds of future strife between the two nations.

55- Our Charism, sown by the Spirit as a seed in our founders, grew up to the spiritual patrimony of our Congregation.

56- Improved, sown pasture and drained moorland can be stocked more heavily, at approximately 1 sheep per 0.25 hectares.

57- Generally, an amulet is prepared by a hodja and buried in the places where the flock grazes or in the corner of sown field.

58- The seeds of change for the great empire based in Sarantium are thus already being sown even at the height of its power and prestige.

59- Also, several games include the notion of capturing holes, and thus all seeds sown on a captured hole belong at the end of the game to the player who captured it.

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