solutions in a sentence 4

Use ‘solutions’ in a sentence | ‘solutions’ example sentences

150- Although he expressed concerns over possible conflicts, Secretary Carter said solutions are limited.

151- In terms of climate change, todays ‘s “target” has a million faces, requiring millions of solutions.

152- “I agree with the solutions that he is bringing and his campaign is bringing to the American people.

153- Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed solutions News provided by The Associated Press.

154- solutions may come from within indigenous communities, but the oppression from without needs to stop.

155- But solutions have been slow in coming as Capitol Hill has been occupied with other political fights.

156- With a lot of patience and a few creative solutions, cannabis ought to survive in the state, he said.

157- As the maternal mortality rate continued to rise, South Africa looked to innovative health solutions.

158- At this point, unsurprisingly, we don’t have solutions for the costs, rigor or plunging passage rates.

159- He wants people to leave their partisanship at the door and explore common solutions, not differences.

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