solution in a sentence

Use ‘solution’ in a sentence | ‘solution’ example sentences

1- A search through many alternative solutions is often required.

2- Three such initial solutions are shown below.

3- The correct solution makes both sides equal.

4- Such solutions verify specified window object availability.

5- The solution was never explicitly stored anywhere.

6- Small business finance solutions free credit card processing equipment.

7- The 5% down payment solution are canadian mortgages too safe?

8- Only temporary solutions were introduced until 2000.

9- Some commonly used solutions are listed below.

10- solution focused therapists believe personal change is already constant.

11- Another structural solution is reducing group size.

12- The dynamic programming solution is presented below.

13- The system has “infinitely many solutions “.

14- The common solution is mobile device management .

15- These are global problems requiring global solutions .

16- The eight queens puzzle has 92 distinct solutions .

17- One particularly convenient solution is park assist .

18- There are many ” novel” solutions being developed.

19- The solution has outgoing intended nineteenth teachers.

20- There are four solutions having color symmetry.

21- These are formally discussed where solutions are sought.

22- Advanced tax solutions inc formerly aggressive tax solutions.

23- Advanced tax solutions inc formerly aggressive tax solutions .

24- We find sustainable solutions to complex issues.

25- The solutions available are becoming more sophisticated and stable.

26- No “final solution ” may even exist.

27- Avoid solutions that require too high performance machines.

28- Such solutions are too expensive for many poor countries.

29- One easy solution is a homemade energy bar.

30- His solutions however are markedly lacking in appeal.

31- The fresh solution etched the remaining boards very quickly.

32- The book presented both findings and solutions .

33- Another illustration for special solutions are schools.

34- The rapid increase of pharmaceutical solutions are causing many problems.

35- And the solution is really “simple”.

36- The second solution has a larger maximum absolute value.

37- Does the solution capture cost data accurately?

38- We are building local capability to deliver local solutions .

39- A possible solution is a fish trap.

40- Plasma protein solutions are expensive and supply is limited. The best solution would be complete abolishment of gamestop like companies and used game sales .

41- Surgery is the best solution.

42- He thought of a good solution.

43- She thought of a good solution.

44- She came up with a possible solution.

45- His solution was only a temporary one.

46- Nobody was able to suggest a solution.

47- Her supposedly wonderful solution doesn’t work!I finally found the solution to the problem.

48- Both parties took a step towards a solution.

49- He came up with the solution to the problem.

50- He finally hit upon a solution to his problem.

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