snob in a sentence

Use ‘snob’ in a sentence | ‘snob’ example sentences

1- They were both seen as rich snobs .

2- Prediction markets is betting for snobs , nothing more.

3- Hillary is a snob , always has been.

4- Its people talk straight and dislike snobs .

5- I always just considered us food snobs .

6- I have been a movie snob forever .

7- This man was a real cultural snob who quite destroyed me.

8- People seeking to drink good coffee are often branded as snobs .

9- Don’t view successful candidates at those schools as elitist snobs .

10- I had never realised what a snob I was!

11- I was made a bit of a snob .

12- Only a true snob can fail to laugh.

13- Her parents, she felt, were snobs .

14- She’s a snob as mentioned above.

15- Holden regards the bartender as a snob .

16- You, sir, are a snob .

17- And we aren’t snobs , either.

18- Tom had been much more of a snob than she was.

19- I suspect what we have here is an entertainment snob .

20- Chipmunk is some kind of health nut snob apparently.

21- You all sound like a bunch of western snobs .

22- She did not want to cultivate the snob image.

23- I told myself not to be such a snob .

24- You’re like Bradley snobs you lot down here.

25- I collect vinyl most of my friends are die hard music snobs .

26- I thought the Mac was just for snobs .

27- But she’s not a designer label snob .

28- She was one of those East End snobs .

29- Yes, I’ve become a yoga snob .

30- I ‘m not a snob about entertainment.

31- Call me a snob if you must .

32- He is generous and kind, but is also a snob .

33- Please be assured Carnival does not discriminate; even against snobs .

34- I’m not the biggest graphics snob in the world.

35- He was also a snob , as Pat readily admits.

36- Sure you may be right that it is betting for snobs .

37- And I still read Bike snob NYC.

38- What a bunch of effete, self absorbed snobs !

39- He does not abide dilettantes and snobs .

40- Don’t be a snob and ignore them. My son is not a snob.

41- ‘ Before I turned into a snob and learned to look down upon all commercial folk music as bastardized and unholy, I loved the Kingston Trio.

42- The company successfully promoted their array of products for dogs and other domestic animals through the astute use of snob appeal.

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