snivel in a sentence

Use ‘snivel’ in a sentence | ‘snivel’ example sentences

1- What a sniveling fool Adam was to blame his wife.

2- She snivelled weakly, on and on.

3- Yet here I was, snivelling on my hands and knees.

4- Stop sniveling , we didn’t make you buy those phones!

5- Miserable, obnoxious little snivelling excuse for a man.

6- Or are you merely cherry picking again like a good snivelling creationist?

7- TN: He became known as “the snivelling wretch”.

8- I can see me getting reduced to the old snivelling Darling.

9- Fancy him turning up in a snivelling little place like Bethlehem.

10- Mildred patted the snivelling one awkwardly on the shoulder.

11- The sniveling democrats know this and snivel even more .

12- The sniveling democrats know this and snivel even more .

13- Then comes Faldo , with his snivelling commentary and uncomfortable humor.

14- Yet the mainstream response is a passive, inward-looking, sniveling .

15- Or how many critiques I’ve whined and snivelled over?

16- Stop sniveling ,” it said.

17- These Hoosiers and Suckers are really better than the snivelling opposition.

18- And let it not snivel that I have been rude to it.

19- Next will come lawsuits from greedy parasites sniveling that Pepsi made them fat .

20- Surprised, perhaps, Lucile’s torrent weakened to a snivel .

21- Putin understand this, as well as the sniveling Euro-eunuchs do.

22- The nurses were coming with their Father Christmas sacks of snivelling and screaming babies.

23- Your philosophers knew nothing worth knowing because they were either emotionally insane or snivelling cowards.

24- They’re all sniveling little rapists.

25- Did this happen while you were running the Soviet Union, you snivelling idiot?

26- And when it happens, we get Masnick’s full-throated snivel .

27- I don’t solve my problems sniveling to a fake expert in a room.

28- Casting a punk as a sniveling Sid -style brat with a loutish attitude?

29- snivel , snivel…..might you be afraid of the big bad wolf too?

30- snivel , snivel …..might you be afraid of the big bad wolf too?

31- Kodachi: … sniveling little tramps!

32- Khufu: This had better be good, you snivelling pustule, or else!

33- sniveling , hand-wringing types blame them for all the problems they’ve created for themselves.

34- I was, incidentally, a horrible child, bad-tempered, snivelling , ever demanding attention.

35- This story took me from laughing out loud to sniveling in my hanky and back again.

36- As he slowly undressed in his room, he heard her come snivelling up the stairs.

37- There was some sniveling response that if it cost too much they might have to think again.

38- The problem isn’t overpopulation; that’s such a snivelling diplomatic way to skirt the issue.

39- What the hell do you think you’re doing up there, you snivelling little brat? A medic will usually carry a small amount of what are referred to as “snivel” or “sick call meds.

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