sneezing in a sentence 2

Use ‘sneezing’ in a sentence | ‘sneezing’ example sentences

51- Jeremy ( Nathan Pearson ) is a sick kid who is known as “Germy” because he has been constantly sneezing and coughing since first grade.

52- For allergic rhinitis (hay fever), loratadine is effective for both nasal and eye symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, itchy or burning eyes.

53- Making Money, page 347. When she is away, he needs to perform various dangerous activities, such as climbing high buildings and extreme sneezing.

54- Medical procedures Uncontrollable fits of sneezing are common in patients under propofol sedation who undergo periocular or retrobulbar injection.

55- Chickenpox is an airborne disease spread easily through coughing or sneezing of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash.

56- Luna involuntarily transforms back into a plushie under certain circumstances such as sneezing, taking a direct attack from an enemy, or falling unconscious.

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