sneezing in a sentence

Use ‘sneezing’ in a sentence | ‘sneezing’ example sentences

1- A Billy Gilbert sneezing contest was conducted between seminars.

2- sneezing comes early and with increasing frequency.

3- sneezing is commonly present with a cold.

4- Five more minutes and I was sneezing .

5- My wife stopped sneezing and was breathing better in an hour .

6- They generally occur after sudden coughing , sneezing or straining.

7- It is spread through coughing, sneezing , or talking.

8- I like to call this “sporadic sneezing “.

9- A representation of the sneezing sounds of plague victims.

10- She has a clear fluid from nose and sneezing .

11- Clean hands frequently, especially after coughing and sneezing .

12- I think I have noticed ” sneezing “?

13- Hay or straw dust can also cause sneezing .

14- After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

15- Recently , he has had bouts of sneezing .

16- South Africa is sneezing a lot right now .

17- Once he came back sneezing and coughing.

18- All nations have some formula for sneezing .

19- Mike and I both have already been sneezing quite a bit.

20- Angry Kid is sneezing at the mirror, making loud noises.

21- sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplets into the air.

22- Go out for a walk sneezing , tears ventilation!

23- He would disappear again on Friday afternoons by sneezing .

24- I can hear Robert sneezing away in the background.

25- When the sneezing fit was over, Milton resumed.

26- If somebody is sneezing , one may respond ” bless you”.

27- The main effect caused by breathing in this powder was violent sneezing .

28- It is easily spread to others through talking, coughing and sneezing .

29- Influenza viruses are spread by coughing and sneezing .

30- Too many people at work were sick and sneezing on everything.

31- It suffers from explosive sneezing that it has no control over.

32- And he suffered two heavy sneezing fits earlier in the day.

33- This can be transmitted by coughing and sneezing on food.

34- Harry was convulsed by a second bout of sneezing .

35- Comes on fast, uncontrollable sneezing and runny nose.

36- I also once stove dried peppers and ended up sneezing for months.

37- I have been coughing and sneezing up blood and feel generally crappy.

38- It is most often spread through sneezing , coughing, and breathing.

39- Simple as sneezing to put him on the defensive.

40- Symptoms: sneezing for a couple of days. I can’t help sneezing, I caught a cold yesterday.

41- The first motion picture copyrighted in the United States in 1894 showed a man in the act of sneezing.

42- We took our daughter to see an allergist because she starts sneezing whenever we go to her grandparents’ house, and we want to know why.

43- Practise the “Canadian salute” of coughing and sneezing into your elbow.

44- And they are EVERYWHERE, thousands of them sunning in lazy clumps and sneezing piles.

45- Measles is a respiratory disease that spreads through the air through coughing and sneezing.

46- 11 ways climate change affects the world – Pollen allergies: Are you sneezing more often these days?

47- Usefully, he cures Neil’s sneezing with a timely headbutt.

48- ” Though imposing, Mangiafuoco is portrayed as easily moved to compassion, which he expresses through sneezing.

49- She keeps dust bunnies as pets, though she is allergic to them and blows them away with her sneezing.

50- Mr. Sneeze lives in Shivertown, the capital of Coldland, where everybody has a red nose from all the sneezing.

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