sneeze in a sentence 2

Use ‘sneeze’ in a sentence | ‘sneeze’ example sentences

51- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then dispose of the tissue.

52- They both used to like to sneeze loudly in elevators, thinking that was funny, she continued.

53- If they sneeze, we get a cold, said Roger McKnight, chief petroleum analyst for En-Pro International.

54- Make his dragon sneeze back several times.

55- Jerry got sprinkled in pepper, which cause him to sneeze.

56- When you gape, put in a semicolon, and when you want to sneeze, that’s the time to make a paragraph.

57- Mr. sneeze lives in Shivertown, the capital of Coldland, where everybody has a red nose from all the sneezing.

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