sneeze in a sentence

Use ‘sneeze’ in a sentence | ‘sneeze’ example sentences

1- She stays awake via solar powered sneezes .

2- How many more times are you gonna sneeze ?

3- I sneezed more times in heavy force.

4- Who catches cold is sure to sneeze .

5- He sneezed very violently, causing severe back pain.

6- A Billy Gilbert sneezing contest was conducted between seminars.

7- Poems that cough lightly – catch a sneeze .

8- Sneezing comes early and with increasing frequency.

9- Began to sneeze and nose started running.

10- Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.

11- I always sneezed and she always laughed.

12- He sneezes saw dust and other things.

13- sneezes occurring in rapid and several sequences.

14- He has also begun to sneeze excessively .

15- Five more minutes and I was sneezing .

16- My eyes were stinging and I was starting to sneeze regularly.

17- My wife stopped sneezing and was breathing better in an hour .

18- A few seconds later it was followed by a sneeze .

19- The environmental impacts are nothing to sneeze at , either.

20- They generally occur after sudden coughing , sneezing or straining.

21- It is spread through coughing, sneezing , or talking.

22- The first doses cut his sneeze attacks in half.

23- I like to call this “sporadic sneezing “.

24- Still, 80 fps is nothing to sneeze at.

25- A representation of the sneezing sounds of plague victims.

26- She has a clear fluid from nose and sneezing .

27- Clean hands frequently, especially after coughing and sneezing .

28- The bird then ” sneezes ” the brine out.

29- Once we observe “about to sneeze ” feeling.

30- TB is spread when infected people cough or sneeze .

31- Superior anterior dental nerve – mediates the sneeze reflex.

32- I think I have noticed ” sneezing “?

33- A soldier underscored his conclusion with a sneeze .

34- Hay or straw dust can also cause sneezing .

35- After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

36- Recently , he has had bouts of sneezing .

37- South Africa is sneezing a lot right now .

38- They longed to sneeze but did not dare.

39- Once he came back sneezing and coughing.

40- She only sneezed once in that hour. Flowers with a strong smell make me sneeze.

41- Flowers with a strong fragrance make me sneeze.

42- The scent of the flowers was very strong, and it made me sneeze.

43- When you sneeze, all your bodily functions stop, even your heart.

44- Primitive people believed that a sneeze signified approaching death.

45- Small hairs in your nose work to trap dust particles and then expel them by making you sneeze.

46- Small hairs in your nose work to trap dust particles and then expel them by inducing a sneeze.

47- Measles is highly infectious and can be transmitted through a cough or sneeze.

48- sneeze on a plane: A chance of getting the measles Is that plastic on your teeth?

49- sneeze on a plane: A chance of getting the measles Is your smartphone bad for you?

50- In all, Jones’s payroll now numbers 29 – nothing to sneeze at in small outport towns.

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