snakes in a sentence

Use ‘snakes’ in a sentence | ‘snakes’ example sentences

1- Our fear of snakes seems almost primal.

2- Always exercise extreme caution when catching snakes .

3- These snakes are often observed being active after warm rains.

4- Her sacred animals are pigs and snakes .

5- Evil spells can turn meadow snakes dangerous.

6- These snakes are usually snakes carrying some special abilities.

7- These snakes are usually snakes carrying some special abilities.

8- He said the snakes hardly ever struggled.

9- There is considerable variability in biting behavior among snakes .

10- Corn snakes are relatively easy to breed.

11- This is one reason snakes change skin.

12- This guy eats snakes , including poisonous ones.

13- There are also several species of snakes .

14- Why do snakes live around my house?

15- These shy snakes react to threat by freezing.

16- Fear of snakes and spiders is more common among women.

17- These snakes are effective and efficient predators of disease spreading rodents.

18- What methods work best to repel snakes ?

19- Desert snakes in a dream represent highway robbers.

20- Water snakes in a dream represent money.

21- Further notes on differential selection of variant juvenile snakes .

22- Many snakes are excellent swimmers as well.

23- Fire was also used to kill poisonous snakes .

24- We fear death and are wary of snakes .

25- The production also had trouble with snakes .

26- Sea snakes have been sighted in huge numbers.

27- Water snakes are also seen near the tanks.

28- Eagles and large snakes are also potential predators.

29- They are shy and elusive snakes which are rarely seen.

30- It is believed that such depictions will ward off poisonous snakes .

31- These snakes retreat when threatened by predators.

32- These are the most commonly seen corn snakes .

33- Corn snakes usually breed shortly after the winter cooling.

34- The origin of snakes remains an unresolved issue.

35- Front limbs are nonexistent in all known snakes .

36- The principle of strange justice grows grass inviting to snakes .

37- From observation, describe how snakes move forward.

38- These are slender snakes , averaging three to six feet long.

39- For many years, scientists believed that snakes couldnt hear.

40- I’m pretty sure they are snakes . He is afraid of snakes.

41- I have a horror of snakes.

42- She isn’t afraid of snakes.

43- She has a great fear of snakes.

44- He’s not at all afraid of snakes.

45- She shuddered at the thought of snakes.

46- He wonders if you are afraid of snakes.

47- She has a dislike for snakes and mathematics.

48- I’m not in the least afraid of snakes.

49- piterkeoHe likes se animals, things like snakes, for example.

50- snakes regularly shed their skin as they grow larger.

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