snakes in a sentence 3

Use ‘snakes’ in a sentence | ‘snakes’ example sentences

99- On each side was nothing but thick tea tree scrub and snakes….

100- The vocal piece “Ye spotted snakes” opens Act II’s second scene.

101- snakes bottles contain several different plants and/ or insects.

102- Ground The club played at snakes Lane until being evicted in 1993.

103- The local finds a large skink, but they haven’t found tiger snakes.

104- Dave Graney ‘n’ the Coral snakes released a compilation, The Baddest, in September 1999.

105- Typically, milk snakes live in forested regions; however, in some regions they can be located in open prairies.

106- The snakes are night time hunters, so they are in hunting mode when they are most likely to be handled by an owner.

107- These snakes can be found in Eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Southern china, South land Asia, & Thailand also.

108- In 2006 O’Shea designed a set of six postage stamps featuring The Dangerous snakes of Papua New Guinea, for Post PNG.

109- Pukawiss learned so much about life in the movements of eagles, bears, snakes that taking their life would have been wrong.

110- Linnaeus quickly discovered it was a fake: jaws and clawed feet from weasels and skins from snakes had been glued together.

111- The New Years parade kicks off in the early evening, and snakes its way through the festival, picking up people as it goes.

112- Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) in the boid family of snakes, particularly Boa constrictor, has been recognized since the mid 1970s.

113- QueSci has a parking lot that snakes around the inside of the campus, 2 gates (Scientian/Golden Acres Road & Misamis St.), and 10 buildings.

114- Snake Temple Hundreds of snakes cover the walls and ground and a large audio-animatronic cobra appears to the right of the vehicle, striking at the riders.

115- These snakes feed on a variety of birds and mammals, such as doves, many different species of rodents, including field mice and rats, as well as hares and rabbits.

116- D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) Isabel quotes from Lawrence’s 1923 poem ‘Snake’, and classes Lawrence (along with Hemingway ) as a poet who would ‘throw rocks at snakes’.

117- Large frogs and fish will also eat the young snakes.

118- R. 1997 Systematics of sea snakes: a critical review.

119- The park also demonstrates venom extraction from snakes.

120- snakes, Monitor lizards and Monkeys can also be found here.

121- Ice Basilisk Serpents which move across the tundra like snakes.

122- Some specimens have apparently fed exclusively on other snakes.

123- Twig snakes are greyish-brown with faint light and dark markings.

124- The area around Persepolis was cleared of snakes and other vermin.

125- The Sudarshana Chakra appears in the snake pit and the snakes vanish.

126- Non-human predators include birds of prey, snakes, and other mammals.

127- Much wildlife can be seen there including snakes, hares, rabbits and foxes.

128- These marksmen hunted, with bow and arrow, deer, rabbits, snakes, and rats.

129- Unlike land snakes; however, Sea Serpents have many rows of long, sharp teeth.

130- A paved riverwalk snakes through the city along the banks of the Milwaukee River.

131- When Ja-Ka was freed, she unleashed her snakes on the boy until Miyu burned them.

132- For example, a search for animal might bring up pictures of dogs, cats and snakes.

133- This snake is unusual amongst sea snakes in that it feeds exclusively on fish eggs.

134- snakes use it to smell prey, sticking their tongue out and touching it to the organ.

135- Poisonous snakes are considered nearly (perhaps totally) extinct in Worcester County.

136- Snake: 09:00 ~ 11:00 named Sishi, This is the time when snakes are leaving their caves.

137- Nerodia is a genus of nonvenomous colubrid snakes commonly referred to as water snakes.

138- These predominantly white snakes tend to have yellow neck and throat regions when mature.

139- Hundreds of hours of searching produces seven or eight snakes per group if they are lucky.

140- Hawks, eagles, and other snakes have been known to prey upon young and adolescent specimens.

141- There are several species of snakes, many of which are venomous, and numerous types of lizards.

142- The wild boars are omnivorous, eating crops, roots, tubers, insects, snakes etc. (Prater 1998).

143- He has some pet dognakes (snakes with Labrador’s heads), and his favorite one is called Schnapps.

144- K. V. (1982)The evolution of the venom apparatus in snakes from colubrids to viperids and elapids.

145- The unicolor cribo (Drymarchon melanurus unicolor) is a Central American subspecies of the cribo snakes.

146- Harry fashioned a necklace of four dead pigeons, sported a red loincloth, and brought along a bag of snakes.

147- On Bumelia celastrina, the mine begins as a narrow track that follows a leaf edge or snakes about the lamina.

148- Sauria 22 (2):3-10 * Wallach, V. 1997 A monograph of the colubrid snakes of the genus Elaphe Fitzinger (book review).

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