shot in a sentence 2

Use ‘shot’ in a sentence | ‘shot’ example sentences

51- The hunter shot a bear.

52- The gun was out of shot.

53- He fired a shot at random.

54- He drank a shot of whiskey.

55- He had a shot at the goose.

56- If you get shot, you’ll die.

57- All at once we heard a shot.

58- Keep down, or you’ll be shot.

59- He shot himself this morning.

60- Pain shot through his finger.

61- The snail shot out its horns.

62- He shot an arrow at the deer.

63- He was shot times in the arm.

64- I made a good shot at the exam.

65- He shot an arrow at the soldier.

66- She shot a glance at her mother.

67- I took a close shot of her face.

68- Suddenly there was a rifle shot.

69- He shot a tiger through the head.

70- We saw Mac make a fantastic shot.

71- CNHe put the shot farther than I did.

72- He shot at the bird, but missed it.

73- All at once we heard a shot outside.

74- She was wounded by a shot in the leg.

75- He has shot some Westerns in Arizona.

76- I only shot four bull’seyes yesterday.

77- She shot a warm smile at the old lady.

78- They shot the film in an actual desert.

79- The King was shot by an unknown assassin.

80- Kunihiko hit the target with his first shot.

81- He is an accurate shot with a bow and arrow.

82- His shot didn’t carry well against the wind.

83- They shot down two enemy planes during the raid.

84- The pheasant would not be shot but for its cries.

85- The policeman was shot in the leg by a delinquent.

86- He hit the center of the target with his first shot.

87- The policeman was off duty when he was shot to death.

88- The injured horse was in agony, so the farmer shot it.

89- The hunter drew his bow and shot the deer in the heart.

90- They were ready to run the risk of being shot by the enemy.

91- Jonathon Power made a superb shot to win the squash game 9-7.

92- A wolf killed three of the sheep in our flock before we shot it.

93- The cost of living has shot through the ceiling in the last year.

94- The hunter had trained his dog to retrieve the birds that he shot.

95- They shot a segment of that movie at a high school here in Boston.

96- As soon as the dog heard his master’s voice, off he ran like a shot.

97- Police shot the armed robber in the head he died almost immediately.

98- On the professional golf tour, players are allowed 45 seconds per shot.

99- The prisoner was shot in the back as he tried to escape over the fence.

100- He put the meat from the bear he shot through a grinder to make sausage.

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