shot in a sentence

Use ‘shot’ in a sentence | ‘shot’ example sentences

1- I saw altogether four aircraft being shot down.

2- Phillips again made key shot winners throughout.

3- YouTube footage shows unarmed protesters getting shot .

4- He fatally shot himself three days later.

5- Thomas survived being shot down five times.

6- Both enemy aircraft were shot down without loss.

7- The series is shot using 35 mm film.

8- The bomber force lost 28 aircraft shot down.

9- This film was shot approximately ten years ago.

10- Weight belts using shot are called shot belts.

11- Weight belts using shot are called shot belts.

12- Several major motion pictures were shot here.

13- Her third funnel had been shot away.

14- The shot was driven through backward point .

15- This shot shows three confirmed party members .

16- That missed cut shot was affecting everyone .

17- The girls face is every shot is innocent.

18- The inexperienced ones were quite often soon shot down.

19- This is especially true for screen shots .

20- Over the past four days five hundred had been shot .

21- Short game chip shots were also very easy.

22- The second photo is my favorite lightning shot .

23- The next shot shows the captive lying dead.

24- What has changed is the distances shots are taken.

25- A booster shot is recommended around 11 or 12.

26- The macro test shot turned out quite nicely.

27- His forces withdrew without king a shot .

28- He was shot down twice during the war.

29- It was shot from every conceivable angle.

30- The approaching colourful train made possible this shot .

31- And penetration leads to many open shots .

32- We actually shot the cemetery scene last.

33- The actors understood we were doing long shots .

34- Whoever invented pet names should be shot .

35- One man had his powder horn shot away.

36- Four dogs which had been ailing were shot .

37- I almost had a 25 yard shot .

38- The seas are decorated with ” shot silk” pattern.

39- A medical source says he was shot .

40- His guitar playing is shot through with maturity. It was an absurdly ambitious deal that was shot down by shareholders .

41- We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

42- A snap shot is a like an abbreviated slap shot.

43- shot, huh?

44- She shot a gun.

45- A shot rang out.

46- He is a big shot.

47- He is a good shot.

48- I’ll give you a shot.

49- He was shot to death.

50- I would have been shot.

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