shortly in a sentence 2

Use ‘shortly’ in a sentence | ‘shortly’ example sentences

51- The hospital patient dropped off shortly after the doctor injected him with anesthesia.

52- The entire crew of the Challenger was killed when the space shuttle exploded shortly after take-off.

53- In 1492, Pope Innocent VIII drank the blood of three young donors thinking it would prevent aging, but died shortly after.

54- In a tragic accident a few years ago, the space shuttle blew up shortly after being launched, killing all the astronauts on board.

55- On September 11th, 2001, the twin towers of the World Trade Center completely collapsed shortly after they were struck by airliners hijacked by terrorists.

56- King George V of Britain refused political asylum to his cousin Tsar Nicholas II in 1917, shortly afterwards the Russian Royal family was executed by the Bolsheviks.

57- Galileo became totally blind shortly before his death, probably because of the damage done to his eyes during his many years of looking at the sun through a telescope.

58- shortly after that, full custody was given to his father, Glen Falk.

59- Quinn, now 20, moved in with Young shortly after Kyron went missing.

60- The donation was made shortly after Shkreli, now 32, launched Turing.

61- Reeves was taken into surgery shortly after arriving at the hospital.

62- Suspect James Holmes was taken into custody shortly after the attack.

63- We remain very hopeful that Mr Fahmy’s case will be resolved shortly.

64- shortly afterwards, the author in question went the full Radio Rental.

65- Maduro was granted special powers shortly after taking office in 2013.

66- The ban was backdated to Oct. 2012, shortly after the Games concluded.

67- And of course there’s the main Fitness app, which I’ll get to shortly.

68- One diplomat said Churkin was due to sign the response letter shortly.

69- She was detained shortly after 8am and the road has now been reopened.”

70- shortly after gassing up in Carcross, Tait’s truck lost power and quit.

71- The alliance launched an offensive Hasaka shortly after joining forces.

72- “If we make a decision to get in, it will be shortly after our session.

73- She died of lung cancer in 2013, shortly after receiving her diagnosis.

74- It happened shortly after the museum was scheduled to open for the day.

75- Flowers were set up near the crash site shortly after Amy Gilbert died.

76- I kicked really hard, and this stopped the tickling shortly thereafter.

77- The president spoke in Malaysia shortly before departing for Washington.

78- But the launch attempt was aborted shortly before the scheduled liftoff.

79- Apple did not give any indications on release timeline beyond ‘shortly’.

80- A Bathurst man was arrested without incident shortly after the shooting.

81- It happened shortly before 7 p.m. in the 5900 block of Woodland Highway.

82- There is of course Hideo Kojima, who is expected to leave Konami shortly.

83- A decision on the issue by US President Barack Obama is expected shortly.

84- Authorities say the plane apparently lost power shortly after taking off.

85- The Facebook and Twitter account were suspended shortly after the tweets.

86- shortly after that they started to get ready to send us back to Germany.”

87- Two-thirds of them were recaptured shortly thereafter and most were shot.

88- The roadway reopened shortly before 9:30 a.m. after the main was repaired.

89- The traffic snarl began following an unusual accident shortly after 1 p.m.

90- McIntyre died shortly after arrival at hospital, according to the coroner.

91- Ahmed was shortly to discover exactly how “not correctly” it had come out.

92- shortly after the blast, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

93- We will not release watchOS 2 today but will shortly, the spokeswoman said.

94- The teenager was pronounced dead shortly after authorities arrived on scene.

95- The protest began Wednesday, shortly after Ferguson’s police chief resigned.

96- The crash occurred shortly before 7 p.m. Sunday in Lower Makefield Township.

97- Firefighters responded to a call shortly after and tried lifesaving efforts.

98- shortly after Paolo put up his post, five potential roommates contacted him.

99- Hans-Peter Bartels made the statement shortly after being sworn into office.

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