shortly in a sentence

Use ‘shortly’ in a sentence | ‘shortly’ example sentences

1- His prestige was shortly increased still further.

2- A second official trailer was shortly released later.

3- Wire rope systems appeared shortly before electrification.

4- Monthly job losses began slowing shortly thereafter.

5- The second studio was completed shortly thereafter.

6- A second blast went off nearby shortly afterwards.

7- Eight opposition candidates withdrew shortly before polling.

8- The couple married shortly before production began.

9- His severely tortured body was found shortly afterwards.

10- The plan gained rapid media attention shortly afterwards.

11- The killer whale lineage probably branched off shortly thereafter.

12- The shooter reportedly committed suicide shortly afterwards.

13- The incident happened shortly before 7am yesterday morning.

14- The raid happened shortly before 5pm.

15- The cross examination portion should be available shortly .

16- He says it was burned shortly afterwards.

17- He was hit several times and died shortly afterwards.

18- It was last seen shortly after being excavated 150 years ago.

19- Will post a sample video clip shortly .

20- Is the central protagonist introduced shortly thereafter?

21- The researchers expect to publish data shortly .

22- There are several others to follow shortly .

23- A customer service representative will reply shortly .

24- That offer list should be increasing shortly .

25- The first contractor audit services were established shortly afterward.

26- Naval battles along the coast began shortly afterwards.

27- Season tickets went on sale shortly thereafter.

28- Security forces and emergency services arrived shortly afterwards.

29- A furious battle raged until the post fell shortly before dawn.

30- The remaining four analogue channels ceased broadcasting shortly after.

31- shortly after takeoff something went very wrong!

32- He suddenly collapsed and died shortly afterwards.

33- He was caught by police shortly thereafter.

34- It was finished shortly before his death.

35- Tour rehearsals began shortly before this performance.

36- Most items are sold shortly after introduction.

37- Both elders were subsequently disciplined and fired shortly thereafter.

38- They became engaged however ended ties shortly after.

39- She suffered an apparent heart attack shortly thereafter.

40- shortly thereafter changing winds caused conditions to improve rapidly. Ian absconds shortly after without telling his family where he is going.

41- He arrived shortly after.

42- The secretary answered me shortly.

43- It is rumored that he will shortly resign.

44- My grandfather died shortly after my birth.

45- shortly after the accident, the police came.

46- He reached home shortly before five o’clock.

47- The mayor will shortly announce his decision to resign.

48- I’ve finished said Tony shortly, then he closed the piano.

49- The radio station came back on the air shortly after the storm.

50- shortly after the war my father bought a new house, in which I was born.

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