shortfall in a sentence 2

Use ‘shortfall’ in a sentence | ‘shortfall’ example sentences

51- The shortfall will be made up by removing housing benefit from unemployed 18 to 21-year-olds.

52- To help make up the shortfall, the city and employees increased their contributions to the fund.

53- In the context of a reported shortfall of 35-36,000,000 tonnes of food and feed grain for 1991, a residential decree, effective from July 1, aimed to improve the food supply by giving concessions to enterprises in the agro-industrial sector.

54- Miller’s spokesperson defended the move, saying “we’ve got a serious financial shortfall that has to be addressed”.

55- ”) The shortfall in production costs was guaranteed by wealthy friends of Lansbury, and Francis Meynell joined the board as their representative.

56- This added capability, though, also can become a shortfall.

57- Ireland, page 85. Yet, a shortfall remained and imports were required.

58- In 2000, GLC sued Monsanto because of a $71 million dollar shortfall in expected sales.

59- The council decided in 2006 to sell Lowry ‘s “The Riverbank” at auction in order to fund part of its Social Services budget shortfall.

60- The original plan envisioned the port for use to import food grains, since India then faced a major food shortfall.

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