shortfall in a sentence

Use ‘shortfall’ in a sentence | ‘shortfall’ example sentences

1- The shortfall of pilots was never above 10 percent.

2- The public attention to the predicted oil shortfall is essentially zero.

3- The government submitted guarantees to cover any potential shortfall .

4- The shortfall was filled by growth in services revenues.

5- A future shortfall could provoke a bailout.

6- The bedroom tax has exposed the glaring shortfall in social housing .

7- The rise is attributed to rising domestic demand and supply shortfall .

8- A 22 per cent shortfall is disastrous in such a situation .

9- Diagnosis The shortfall of demand view is quite familiar.

10- The central government was faced with chronic revenue shortfalls .

11- He recovered the shortfall from his previous solicitors.

12- Through this process the shortfall of carbon dioxide is rectified.

13- Yet, a shortfall remained and imports were required.

14- The state has proposed three or four solutions to the shortfall .

15- That included a $2.5 million shortfall in construction funds.

16- The resulting shortfall was appropriated from the general Government funds.

17- Foreign workers help make up this shortfall .

18- The result; a shortfall of around £4 million.

19- If there is a shortfall , start saving.

20- Read up on ” Implementation shortfall “.

21- Hence,our15percent shortfall is our scholarship fund.

22- Non-poor populations are defined as having zero shortfall .

23- These shortfalls will leave many community groups scrambling.

24- Blog: Can UK food sector avert talent shortfall ?

25- Uzbekistan has encountered severe budget shortfalls in its education program.

26- Loss is also, a shortfall in accountability.

27- Removing the cap would fund the entire 75-year shortfall .

28- Capital funds continue to decrease every year, creating a shortfall .

29- Working around the clock, the shortfall was made good.

30- The shortfall in productivity would lower wages on a permanent basis.

31- In other words, the shortfall isn’t actual red ink.

32- Several options need to be considered to cover this shortfall .

33- The shortfall was paid for with contributions from the public.

34- Any shortfall must be made good by the plan sponsor.

35- Many restaurants have blamed the weather for shortfall and sluggish performance.

36- The shortfall was due to a slowing in the economic activity.

37- Is that not sufficient to cover this shortfall ?

38- That ‘s right folks — another earnings shortfall from Staples.

39- From where do these budgeting shortfalls emerge?

40- It actually achieved 861 – a shortfall of 13 per cent. A budget deficit will occur because of a revenue shortfall.

41- The city is also starting the year with about a $300-million shortfall.

42- He called the time pressures a shortfall of the U.S. resettlement model.

43- On days when wind is light, it turns to Norway to make up the shortfall.

44- Lawmakers are facing a projected budget shortfall of more than $2 billion.”

45- He said the U.S. military also had a critical shortfall of cyber personnel.

46- 433428I wonder how will the budget shortfall effect their entitlement funds.

47- Rule out making up the shortfall by increasing taxes and thus raising revenue.

48- Lawmakers approved the overhaul to address what’s become a $111 billion pension shortfall.

49- As of September, the state had about 57,000 fewer jobs than in 2007, a 3 percent shortfall.

50- That omission surprised few, given that the state faces a substantial and growing shortfall.

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