shortening in a sentence 2

Use ‘shortening’ in a sentence | ‘shortening’ example sentences

51- ” Grove adopted the name Euge Groove, which consists of a shortening of his middle name and a very frequent mispronunciation of his last.

52- Duplexing is a very efficient mechanism of accommodating shortening of the crust by thickening the section rather than by folding and deformation.

53- WMS is a shortening of Williams, which it also selected for its NYSE ticker symbol.

54- The sun can affect the tubes used for drip irrigation, shortening their usable life.

55- In May 1988, he suffered from mononucleosis and an ankle sprain, slightly shortening his sophomore season.

56- Speakers usually shorten sentences by shortening words, however shortening every word is not possible.

57- Even higher pressures and temperatures during horizontal shortening can cause both folding and metamorphism of the rocks.

58- The E-W shortening shown in calcite twinning of the Sevier is parallel to today’s principal stresses in the western interior of the North American plate.

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