shortening in a sentence

Use ‘shortening’ in a sentence | ‘shortening’ example sentences

1- Physical therapy may also help prevent permanent muscle shortening .

2- You should perform both shortening and lengthening muscle actions.

3- Fast charging increases component changes, shortening battery lifespan.

4- Poor ventilation may increase temperatures, further shortening battery life.

5- Beat the shortening and sugar together until fluffy.

6- This process sometimes results in vowel shortening within the incorporated noun.

7- The earliest trend was in shortening the stick head.

8- The shortening was accommodated by thrust faults and associated folds.

9- Coconut oil will smoke and burn before shortening does .

10- How does shortening the voting hours deter minorities from voting ?

11- Use a link shortening service like bit .

12- Flow costs are reduced by minimizing handling and shortening lead times.

13- My grandma never measured anything , but always used shortening .

14- Cream together the shortening and sugar, until fluffy.

15- Cream the shortening and the eggs together.

16- Associated with shortening and wasting of muscles.

17- Further shortening of stick head; heel of head made tighter.

18- This room was created by shortening the Gallery.

19- Another reference to URL shortening was in 2001.

20- There are several techniques to implement a URL shortening .

21- Is all that running shortening your life?

22- To be delicate , link shortening is a feature.

23- Attention spans are shortening and nerves are fraying.

24- shortening project length presents two potential benefits.

25- The shortenings still contain some trans fat.

26- Certain premature aging syndromes have been associated with telomere shortening .

27- The smaller the circoflex the less shortening is needed.

28- There was a suggestion about shortening the NBA season .

29- Obama is simply shortening the process in the US .

30- There may be a shortening of the neck.

31- Inactivity causes shortening and contraction of muscle fibers.

32- Reverse faults indicate compressive shortening of the crust.

33- The contraction of a muscle resulting in its shortening .

34- Not all contraction leads to shortening of the muscle.

35- shortening of long vowels before a stressed symbol.

36- This action resulted in the shortening of his right wing.

37- This type can cause a shortening of an erect penis .

38- A contraction is a drawing together – a shortening or shrinkage.

39- The shortening of the term to “lolicon” came later.

40- It may be a shortening of “golliwog”. The days are gradually shortening.

41- shortening the amount of time each plant has to produce its kernels.

42- Foote also said she was invested in shortening employment insurance wait times.

43- This could be applied by elongation, shortening, or volume changes, or angular distortion.

44- This is achieved by more intense study and a shortening of the common foundation programme.

45- Plans were developed for shortening the coastline and turning the delta into a group of freshwater lakes.

46- The vehicle originally weighed 165 tons but this was reduced to a more practicable 120 tons by shortening the length.

47- The Chinese Tian Shan displays lateral variations in magnitudes of deformation, estimates range from 2.12 to 21 km of crustal shortening.

48- ’ Simplification also results in the shortening of double digraphs at the border of suffixes, thus sz + sz becomes ssz (e.g. Kovács + csal > Kováccsal ‘with Kovács’).

49- By 09:00 it was inevitable that Généreux would catch Leander and Thompson responded by shortening sail and turning northwards to aim his broadside at the French ship.

50- Finally, in 2006, Penteli Avenue, one of the main roads serving the suburb, was also widened to accommodate increased traffic, shortening traffic to Halandri by several minutes.

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