shorten in a sentence 2

Use ‘shorten’ in a sentence | ‘shorten’ example sentences

51- shorten said his complaint was not with Prince Philip, simply the fact he is a British royal.

52- It is estimated that we will need another 100,000 IT workers in Australia by 2020, shorten said.

53- Charles Tennant’s Darnley Bleach Fields c.1800 Having acquired his bleachfield, Charles turned his mind and energy to developing ways to shorten the time required in bleaching.

54- The microvilli which secure PMCs to the hyaline layer shorten, Fink, RD et al.

55- The GNU locate utility further uses bigram encoding to further shorten popular filepath prefixes.

56- He was also prepared to fall back to shorten his lines of communication and reduce the need for static garrisons.

57- A full programme of summer shows was carried on through the 1970s but the audiences were falling away steadily and the length of the summer season began to shorten.

58- A new record deal in 1980 with A&M Records prompted the band to shorten their moniker to simply Y&T, and encores with fans chanting “Y&T, Y&T, Y&T” sealed the condensed name.

59- In 2000, member firms decided to shorten their name to PKF.

60- Tynes has sought a presidential pardon to shorten or commute his brother’s sentence.

61- The king may also suspend or dissolve parliament, and shorten or lengthen the term of session.

62- The ban was shorten by the Tribunale Nazionale di Arbitrato per lo Sport of CONI on 21 October 2009.

63- ” Views On world records Athletes can shorten their careers, believes Sutton, by trying to break records in Ironman races.

64- During rehearsals and in Boston, Gershwin made many cuts and refinements to shorten the running time and tighten the dramatic action.

65- Speakers usually shorten sentences by shortening words, however shortening every word is not possible.

66- When a muscle lengthens beyond a certain point, the myotatic reflex causes it to tighten and attempt to shorten.

67- This has enabled realisations of improvements in efficiency by minimising paper flow to shorten case processing time.

68- The mechanical shocks induced during the transition from partial to full cylinder contact can shorten the life of the ring considerably.

69- Release Hayb was to be released in August 2010 after an army committee headed by Advocate-General Avichai Mandelblit decided to shorten his sentence.

70- Glenn LaRusso of Salsoul Records convinced her to shorten her name from Uchenna Ikejiani to Carol Jiani to make it easier for North Americans to pronounce.

71- The original Branemark protocol and the implants utilized have been modified in various ways to shorten implant waiting times, and, in general, treatment times.

72- Many riders will also shorten the width of the handle bars, to make it easier to put the legs around the bars, like such tricks as the ‘heelclicker’ or ‘rodeo’.

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