shorten in a sentence

Use ‘shorten’ in a sentence | ‘shorten’ example sentences

1- This shortened bibliography lists each title once.

2- You should perform both shortening and lengthening muscle actions.

3- Salisbury continued using the shortened name anyway.

4- The radiator grille was flattened and shortened .

5- His suspension was shortened to thirty days.

6- High temperatures and ripple currents shorten life.

7- The second theme is also considerably shortened .

8- The barrel length was shortened by 31⁄2 inches.

9- The term lava flow is commonly shortened to lava .

10- The shortened season has given teams less room for error .

11- The warranty period is shortened to 3 years .

12- The paper was substantially shortened after initial submission.

13- Fast charging increases component changes, shortening battery lifespan.

14- Some songs were shortened , while others were completely removed.

15- In addition, cut scenes were shortened .

16- This will shorten growing seasons and prolong agricultural disruptions.

17- No information they said has been changed just shortened .

18- It was definitely shortened due to the highway cutting through town.

19- I narrowed and shortened the center strokes.

20- His long arms seem enormous because the coat sleeves are shortened .

21- The editor reserves the right to shorten contributions.

22- This shortened the book by seven pages.

23- These tax deductions could help shorten the payback period.

24- This shortened version is also available to download.

25- Going though water tends to shorten the stride.

26- The trains were shortened to five cars before the 2006 season.

27- Original final long vowels are shortened in all dialects.

28- CA long vowels are shortened in some circumstances.

29- The broadcast was shortened to four minutes in 2007.

30- The 1982 and 1987 seasons were both shortened by labor disputes.

31- The forms in brackets are shortened forms that were occasionally used.

32- The earliest trend was in shortening the stick head.

33- The race was shortened to 117 laps due to rain.

34- The race was shortened to 328 laps due to thunderstorms.

35- The race was shortened to 273 laps due to rain.

36- The race was shortened to 148 laps due to rain.

37- This race was shortened to 257 laps due to rain.

38- I shortened the final version to 3 hours 6 minutes.

39- This attitude shortened the window for diplomacy.

40- But injuries shortened his 2002 and 2003 seasons. Do not shorten the morning by getting up late.

41- High operating temperatures shorten lubricant life.

42- Sophie made a mistake when she measured Marly to shorten his pants.

43- My sister knows how to sew, so I’ll ask her to shorten my pants for me.

44- The government has announced plans to build a tolled motorway which will shorten the trip north considerably.

45- Dr.

46- Christiaan N.

47- Barnard once said, “I don’t believe medical discoveries are doing much to advance human life.

48- As fast as we create ways to extend it, we are inventing ways to shorten it.

49- “Opening up accessible licences could also shorten the wait list, it said.

50- “But, in the same regard, to shorten up that span, it’s going to have an impact.

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